Sometimes we read of how, if a person gets bothered by the elders or organization, they'll sue. Do you think this could ever work???
Is It Possible To Sucessfully SUE The Society Or Elders???
by minimus 26 Replies latest jw friends
I dont think so at this time... I know so many who tried ( in Canada & America) they have so much money they keep postponing the court cases till the one suing is broke. I think a class action case in the future will happen I have heard SOME did get money after suing but only hearsay for my part. (Vickies wasnt really a win in my opinion .)..Dont know names etc. But we know that is why they changed the baptism Questions to Father Son & Spirit filled organization. Because you knew the rules when you went in. So you cant sue. They are very clever bunch ---- If there is any elders reading this Dont put a feather in the WT hat- Satan was/is very clever also he did a few miracles > Didnt he???? Your day will come !!!! I hope it is soon.
So for all those that threaten the WT. or elders with legal action are really blowing smoke somewhere??
With 'COOL WHIP', anything IS Possible.
Don't you have a date with a candy dish somewhere?
Min -
In the US, I believe anybody can sue anyone for any reason. I think what "Mouthy" was trying to say is that yes, you can TRY to sue them, but because the WT lawyers keep getting time extensions, etc., etc., it eats up any funds the plaintiff may have to pursue the case. So, when the money dries up, the plaintiff's lawyer walks. So although the BOE can be sued, this essentially puts them in a *nearly* impenetrable position. The only way to make this work is to get a class action suit together, which increases the chances of the case actually going to court. Of course, you gotta find a lawyer who will take the case....
I thought that lawyers in lawsuits could only charge fees for cases they won...
Czar -
It all depends on the contract between the lawyer and the plaintiff. Most lawyers require retainer fees, and when their expenses burn those up, they will ask for more. Makes it tough on the "little guy."
It all depends on the contract between the lawyer and the plaintiff. Most lawyers require retainer fees, and when their expenses burn those up, they will ask for more. Makes it tough on the "little guy."
I would agree with this. The WTS has unlimited resources and their own attorneys so it makes it rough, if you are paying for your own court and attorney costs. Now, if an attorney volunteers his firm, then you might prevail.
I have never heard of one who was successful, but that doesn't mean there aren't any.
If you are an attorney or a millionare, you can sue them
Yes -- but because the organization has money and a succesful record of supreme court judgements etc. a person would need to pick their cases carefully. IMHO -- with all the child abuse cases before the courts currently, the law of averages says it will start losing cases -- once the dam has been breached the society and individual elders will be successfully sued.