I need to vent sorry!

by KerryKing 20 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • KerryKing

    Thanks for all your honest viewpoints, I appreciate the understanding.

    I will move on, as I have always done, I am content that my children will never have to live with the mental abuse like we did, they can believe and celebrate what they want, I just can't bring myself to lie about a fat man in red bringing presents down the chimney! 😅🙈

  • Biahi

    I know, I feel just the same! I still have PTSD from this 💩. That’s why I want to see a class action lawsuit.filed. They owe me 5 million dollars.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    You’re DF’ed and he’s talking to you… the hypocrisy is a lot further than this one thing. Yes, it is infuriating that they have changed their standards so much. Like the people that went to jail for refusing any military or civil service and then all of a sudden it is okay to do non-combat military service, I know hundreds of people in Europe left over that policy change, tons of people that missed opportunities and benefits for having a criminal history and nearing the end of their life and suddenly their special ‘standing’ gets pulled from under them, I personally knew a dozen people, a Missionary, 2 CO and Uber-Elders, entire congregations were disbanded due to the sudden contraction.

  • StephaneLaliberte
    Like the people that went to jail for refusing any military or civil service and then all of a sudden it is okay to do non-combat military service,

    I remember meeting one of these brothers. I recall that he was a ministerial servant and pioneer. I couldn’t help but wonder how he felt about that change. What made it worse was the fact that this change was introduced as a minor adjustment, and they never apologized for it. Meanwhile, some brothers went to jail for 1 or 2 years, for nothing!

    That was one of those little things in my long list of grievances which ultimately led me out of the JWs.

  • Ding

    I knew two brothers who each served 5 years in prison because they weren't allowed to tell the judge they would accept alternative service.

    Oh, never mind... new light... nothing to see here.

  • Scully

    What the WTS is doing is "straining out the gnat and swallowing the camel". They are fixated on miniscule details that should be personal decisions and ignore the more important principles. Citizenship affords someone a legal status that landed immigrants do not enjoy in the country of residence. Just being able to travel outside the country of residence was something that my grandparents couldn't do because they didn't get citizenship in the country they emigrated to. We knew plenty of JWs who had come from various parts of the world in the post WW2 era who became citizens, and then all of a sudden they're the ones trying to tell one of my parents that they couldn't get citizenship? Hogwash. If it's good enough for them (and allows them to vacation in the Caribbean, while they expect my family to suffer through winters in Canada) it should be okay for us too.

    If there's one thing I can't abide, it's hypocrisy. Just mind your own d@mn business. Nobody is breaking any laws here.

  • KerryKing

    I didn't know the WT went back on the military service requirement? When did that change?

    When I lived in Spain in the 90s I knew men who refused the military and had to do some other public job like library assistant.

  • Sea Breeze
    Sea Breeze
    That’s why I want to see a class action lawsuit.filed.

    I'm with Biahi on this. Count me in!

    Where are all the hotshot lawyers that would be willing to do this? I started trying to leave home and make it on my own since I was 14. I would have gnawed off my left arm to escape the hour-long diet of spittle-spewing scare sessions about death, destruction and apocalypse scenarios. As bad as that was, the emotional vaccuum that is characterized by JW families was worse. It just ate at you like a cancer. Growing up JW was like trying to live in a sensory deprivation chamber.

    The last grade I completed was the 8th grade. By age 16 I took a job as a travelling salesman to get away from my family. I should have been in school, should have been allowed to make friends, play sports, etc.

    The Jehovah's Witnesses are a criminal organization who targets children in order to screw them up psychologically, while they rip off your families wealth when your parents die.

    The ideology turns people into the biggest jaskasses anyone can even imagine. How anyone can retain positive views (as expressed many times on this forumn) of this association can only be described as Stockholm Syndrome in my opinion.

  • LongHairGal


    I also believe people who defend the religion might have Stockholm Syndrome or suffer from Sunk Cost Fallacy.

    This is why the older Witness die-hards there are ‘going down with the ship’. Well, let them. These are the people who shunned or tried to assassinate my character because I worked full-time back in the day. I was scoffed at to my face.. Thankfully, I held onto my job until retirement.

    People making their way out of the Jehovah’s Witness religion today (especially at an older age) are facing the worst economy in decades. Even people with college degrees have problems finding suitable employment.. How much harder would it be for people climbing their way out of a hole??? I wish Good Luck for all those brave people everywhere!👍🏻

  • Biahi

    Sea Breeze, I would really like to meet you sometime! I think we have much in common. From some of your other posts, I think you live in Arkansas? I’m in Illinois.

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