High Unemployment Among Apostates

by Joker10 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • Sassy

    This poll at any rate is not very reliable. It does not take into account those people who have jobs and are too busy to be on the internet at all, or who haven't yet found JWD. It would not be uncommon for someone who is out of work to be spending time on the computer because they have more time to do so.

    I also think that statement that it is regarding Apostates being unemployed deceiving. I think you could go to about any kind of discussion board and find the similiar responses. Not to mention it takes into account calling everyone who posted an apostate. Just because we post here does not necessarily mean we consider ourself one.

  • SanFranciscoJim

    Speaking as one of the unemployed who responded to your thread, I wonder if you took into any consideration the number of unemployed on this board who currently do not hold a job and have a legitimate reason for not doing so?

    I see no reason to stigmatize those who for various reasons do not hold down a regular job. If you held a poll, I doubt very strongly that any respondents would check the "sloth" box!

  • SpunkyChick
    Brummie claims to use astroglide to give his coat a nice glossy finish, but we know the truth!!


  • seven006


    Have you taken into consideration the silent majority who think you are an idiot and won't waste their time playing your infantile games? I know that is a concept out side of your limited watchtower fertilized mind but it is a factor you should include in your lame attempt to do a focus group.

    Does NASA know you are taking time away from building rockets to play on the Internet?


  • wednesday
    Does NASA know you are taking time away from building rockets to play on the Internet?


    lol Dave,


    go and do a survery at the local cong. and see how many are pioneering while receiving unemployment, disability, etc.

  • Sassy
    go and do a survery at the local cong. and see how many are pioneering while receiving unemployment, disability, etc.

    that is a good one

  • ballistic
    This poll at any rate is not very reliable. It does not take into account those people who have jobs and are too busy to be on the internet at all, or who haven't yet found JWD. It would not be uncommon for someone who is out of work to be spending time on the computer because they have more time to do so.

    That is actually the most valid point made in this thread. It is not scientifically correct to analyse a statistic of "apostates" by only analysing a sub set of "apostates", that is, those who post on the internet, or in fact, one particular web site, a sub set which by definition is likely to be an attractor of people with free time.

  • larc

    Well, Joker, you are indeed a joker. Your sample size is to small and it is in no way close to being random, as others have pointed out. I know some very accomplished people who post here. They are accomplished despite the fact that the JW religion gave them a late start in life. I could list many such people, but I am not in the mood to do so

  • Gretchen956

    Not to mention there is a whole nother subset of us working jobs that require minimal education or intellect and get paid accordingly, due to the high percentage of people actively seeking employment right now (as in you better take what you can get because there isn't anything better). Or those working more than one job to make their rent. Oh yea, thats a subset of the entire population and not only the "apostates."

    Lets do another poll and see how many apostates wear a 40DD versus a 32A or something equally meaningful like how many of the men have masturbated in the last 30 days. (maybe thinking about the 40DD poll)... hmmm, if I think about it, we could talk about whether we're carnivores or vegetarians, or whether boxers are preferable to thongs or nothing at all.

    There are just so many things to consider. Any thoughts?


  • ballistic
    any thoughts?

    last 30 days?

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