Don't listen to these guys. It's well known that all exJWs, upon leaving The Truth, adopt a cavalier attitude toward manners.
You know those people on the highway driving 50 mph in the passing lane? You guessed it - ALL exJWs. You know those people "browsing" down the middle of the grocery store aisle, stopping to read the label while prefectly centered so that there isn't enough room to get around on either side? Yup xJWs, all of them. ExJWs develop a compulsion almost immediately to go to the DMV, wait in that horrble line, just to get a vanity license plate that says something like GTN8KED or DZNUTZ5. Have you ever been shopping at a Walmart and suddenly realized you walked through a fart cloud? Well congrats, that was an exJW (almost exclusively. The small exception could be fans of Nickelback)