No-Blood Card No Longer Issued/Dated Annually

by AMNESIAN 60 Replies latest watchtower medical


    December 2003 Our Kingdom Ministry for the USA "Provisions to Help Us Abstain From Blood" "Baptized publishers who have previously completed an Advance Medical Directive/Release card or Identity Card with no print date or a 3/99 print date will not need to complete a new one this year. For the Service Meeting the week of December 29, the secretary should have available sufficient quantities of the cards for newly baptized publishers, their children, and those needing replacements. Congregations will not be sent a consignment of these items. If the congregations does not have enough cards on hand, the secretary may check with nearby congregations or request more cards with the congregation's next literature request." -------------------- km 1/97 p. 2 Service Meetings for January

    20 min: Time to Renew the Advance Medical Directive/Release Card. Qualified elder discusses importance of filling out card completely and carrying it at all times. This document speaks for you if you are unable to speak for yourself in an emergency. (Compare Proverbs 22:3.) A new card needs to be filled out every year to give a current declaration on refusal of blood, since some doctors and others have claimed that documents older than one year may not reflect a person?s current conviction. w84 12/1 p. 25 Your Life, Your Integrity and the Card Christians realize that after an accident they might be unconscious or unable to give a detailed explanation of why they cannot accept blood transfusions. Even if an injured Witness could speak and say that?in line with the principle of informed consent?he did not want blood administered, doctors or hospital personnel might worry that a lawsuit could result if they did not follow standard treatment. So for some years Jehovah?s Witnesses have carried a Medical Alert card. This is a signed, witnessed document that relieves physicians and hospital officials of liability for any complications that might seem to result from knowing about the refusal of blood. A new card is signed and dated each year; thus, the document is always current and valid.

    km 6/75 p. 3 Announcements

    • New identification cards have been prepared. It is requested that these be issued to all baptized Kingdom publishers. When you issue the new identification cards, please have the publishers return the old ones. The old ones will then be destroyed by the congregations. The identification cards no longer carry a blood-transfusion declaration on the back. A separate card entitled "No Blood Transfusion" has been prepared and those who wish to carry such cards may obtain them through the congregation. These two cards can be ordered by the congregations with the regular literature orders at a rate of two for one cent.



  • stillajwexelder

    I wonder why this is?

  • shamus

    Could it be for legal reasons? Any opinions from any lawyers?

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Maybe the coffers are a little short this year. <stands on a chair and coughs>

    Maybe 5'4". <grins>


  • La Capra
    La Capra

    Perhaps they don't want to waste money printing more, want to use up the ones they have, because in the foreseeable future they are going to tank the whole blood doctrine, and it's evil pharasitical progeny of convoluted components and combinations. I even think I know what "new light" they are suddenly going to see..... This one so reminds me of Animal Farm "Four legs good, two legs bad..." which eventually morphed to "Four legs good, two legs better..." Here's to their saving a buck! Shoshana

  • jst2laws


    I wonder why this is?

    I feel they are going to progressively lighten up on the blood mandate until they can eventually make it a conscience matter to refuse blood.

    As the WT says, the pendulum swings. It has reached its extreme left and is going to swing back now. The complexity of their present policy is unexplanable and indefensible. Very few JWs are aware that taking blood is no longer a DF'ing matter but is a quiet matter that may result in disassociation at worst. This will leak out along with de-emphasis on the blood card.

    I personally believe they are just looking for a way out of Freddie's fiasco without getting their butts in the lawsuite wringer. The withdrawn and destroyed blood card allowing for using ones own blood a couple of years ago is another example of groping for a legal way out.

    Just my opinion


  • Narkissos

    I also feel (and hope) they are desperately looking for a way out of the blood(y) mess. However, I never heard of a card allowing to use one's own blood. Has it been discussed here before?

  • DanTheMan
    Freddie's fiasco

    LOL @ Jst2

    This is an interesting, and positive development. Further mainstreaming. If the Cracktower abandoned this silly doctrine altogether, along with the hard-line shunning policy they've instituted of late, that's 90% of my beef with them.

    The legacy of their demented "Oracle" cannot but fade as reality continues to creep into the WT fantasy land.

    BTW, good to see ya AMNESIAN.

  • Amazing

    This particular announcement does not seem to suggest much. They are only implying that they will not be making a revision to the existing "No Blood" card ... and that existing signed cards are fine as is. They still offer to send more with the next literature order, suggetsing they still print the 3/99 card.

    The new DA provision is only for certain legal situations, otherwise it has no real meaning with respect to WTS policy ... the JW who uses blood and gets DA'd is still shunned and treated like a non-person.

    I don't expect any meaningful changes their blood policy. If, and when, they lose several lawsuits due to the child abuse issue, then they may be forced to lighten up, and possibly this might cause them to relax on the shunning and blood policy ... but ... to me its still a 50/50 call.

  • imallgrowedup


    The withdrawn and destroyed blood card allowing for using ones own blood a couple of years ago is another example of groping for a legal way out.

    Would you mind expounding on this a minute? Just last week my JW mom told me she was not even allowed to use her own blood that she had already set aside in case she ever needed it. Is there a reference to this somewhere?



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