Does anyone remember the great relief when we would have a slideshow from some travelling goon at the meetings? I always enjoyed this since it was way more interesting than finding scriptures in the bible. As time progressed, they seemed to quit doing this. Anyone else notice this?
Slideshows at the Meetings
by Nosferatu 14 Replies latest jw friends
I remember those! We probably haven't had one since the mid-90s tho
I used to enjoy the slide show but they stopped that a long time ago..
I remember when I was quite young going to the CA hall in Arlington, TX to see this slideshow about the history of the WTBTS...they even served drinks and chips and crap at half time. The most memorable pic was the early one where they still had the big ass cross on top of the chruch...every laughed a little as I remember...AND the most memorable part of course was going for Mexican food afterwards! *LOL*
District Overbeer
I remember an "official" (One coming from the WTS) slideshow which showed the origins of the catholic church as being pagan and such.This was in the early to mid seventies. Another slideshow I remember was an un-"official" one by a local elder who was very much into science and which tried to prove that there was an intelligent designer behind it all. It was one of the few times I was not bored during meetings :-) ...
I remember the slide shows too!!! They were my favorite. As a little kid it sure was a lot more exciting.
When I was about 7 years old I ask the CO before the meeting while he was setting it up, what it was going to be about. To which he replied "well if you would have paid attention at the last meeting instead of sleeping, you would know."
Other than that I always missed them as an adult. I wonder why they did away with them. Probably too exciting. Not serious enough.
I totally remember it. It went about half an hour overtime and we just left when the meeting was over. We were going to the bar to play pool, you see, and it couldn't cut into our pool time.
Oh, the slide shows were great. You could feel the excitement building prior to the meeting, as the speaker set up and prepared. It was like a vacation.
Man, what a pathetic life we all led.
Man, what a pathetic life we all led.
lol.. isn't that the truth..
I certainly do -- used to love the slide shows -- as you say light relief and audio-visual is a proven better way of learning anyway rather than being talked at for 45 minutes