Slideshows at the Meetings

by Nosferatu 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • SadElder

    We knew a brother from Florida who did a really nice talk about young people, Used two slide projectors and hundreds and hundreds of slides. That was many years ago when one could still give talks on any subject without an outline from Brooklyn. I must admit that that talk was the best one we ever saw and it was not from Brooklyn. Eventually the CIA at Brooklyn put a stop to all made up talks, now only outlines from Brooklyn are used. Some of them are terrinle.

    The congregations could benefit from some forward thinking teaching programs not the drival that is still being thrown around, teaching the way they have for a hundred years. Bring back some good slide presentations, use videos, overhead projectors, etc. Teach not spew words.

  • KKLUV155

    I used to love sitting in the back during slide shows. With the lights low you could catch a few winks.

  • blondie

    At first I thought this said SIDESHOWS at the meeting. It reminded me of the elders during the meeting at the back of the KH talking. Now there is something an elder said that might have been interesting to listen to.


  • orangefatcat

    speaking of slide shows, I am not to sure but how many have seen the "Photo Drama of Creation?" I did it was an amazing piece of work and workmanship. All the glass sides were hand painted in France, many of the colours are still vivid. I happen to own about 6 original slides. These glass sides are two sided one painted on and then a clear piece of glass to protect the paint. They were then put together with a special adhesive and frame paper. They were made from 1911-1914, just in time with the world at war, the Society felt this was the perfect time to bring hope to the world of mankind.

    I knew this bro. who professed to be of the annointed. Not to sure if he is on the earth or as he left the earthly seen many years ago.

    I think of him often and wonder if he is to judge mankind with Jesus Chrisst. This bro. had slipped out of the organization for many years. Eight to be exact, well after his breakdown as he called it. He managed to return to the Org. He travelled to many cong, giving a small presentation of the Photo Drama, It took a lot of his time. But he loved it very much. But his wife had had a stroke and he had to tend to her every need as she could no longer move. Only a couple of JW would offer him help. I myself visited him and his wife as often as I could because I would always come away so how more relaxed and happier for having been encouaged by him.

    Well that is my story and I am stickin to it.

    All my love Orangefatcat.

  • heathen

    orangefatcat--- That is pittiful . Some guy proffessing to be of the anointed yet leaves the preaching work for 8yrs? I wouldn't believe that for a second. Sounds like he probly spent some time in the psyche ward in a state hospital .

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