Sometimes I think the paragraph could say "we don't know anything, don't provide anything, but we demand obedience and donations", and the conductor would just gloss right over it:
"Now, the governing body says there are two things they don't do, and two things they require, I'd like to get 4 answers here... Young brother Jones?"
"They... don't... know... anything?"
"Right! And sister Smith?"
"The paragraph says they don't provide anything, this could mean counseling, disaster relief, or protection. They don't provide any of those things"
"Thank you sister Smith, and I see your baby has his hand up!"
"JEHOVAH!!!!" (microphone feedback)
(Crowd) "Awwww!"
"Now, what does the governing body require? Sister Rodriguez?"
"Although they don't know anything or provide anything, and they are consistently wrong, they still require donations and obedience"
"Right, lets move along to paragraph 20..."
...And NOBODY would notice. I don't think people pay attention when they read, I don't think they even know what they are commenting, and they are not paying attention at all. I sit in the back and look around, and out of nearly 175 people, maybe 10 are the constant commenters. The rest nod off, doodle on their phones, talk and giggle, etc. I would even be so bold as to say out of those 10 constant commenters, 3 of them use their own words. The rest just read what the yellow marker dictates. Oh, and the ones that use their own words are batshit crazy, with kool-aid leaking from the corners of their mouths.
If you are waiting for somebody to go "ahh-haa! that's bullshit!" it's not gonna happen. The "study" format has become almost hypnotic over the years. Sit down, stare at your book, let your eyes roll over the words gently until you are jarred awake by the end-of-the-meeting song.