I have to agree with other posters that Phizzy got it right in his assesment.as quoted in previous posts .
How much of what the WT/JW/IBSA,taught,leading up to 1914 is accepted today?and how much was truth ?
This study commences with a fallacy lie ? "Just as Jehovah progressively revealed truths about the kingdom in the period leading up to 1914 "
John Doe, Whats the point of a prophecy if it can be changed after the events it describes happens ?
If you have to interpret a prophecy after the event has occured then obviously its no prophecy ,A prophecy should be able to fortell an event before it happens , if it fails to do so its no prophecy.
IBAS/JW/ have made numerous false prophecys in their 100+ years of claiming to be Gods only channell of communication with his chosen people.,Jehovahs Witnesses,
The fact that they have had to modify their beliefs ,doctrines,evidences,expectations ,flip-flops, complete turn arounds as in Rom.13:1 ,check out C.T.Russell , Rutherford , and nathan h Knorr , the 1800`s the 1920`s and
the 1963`s , where this doctrine went from accepting the Superiour authorities were in fact the Governments ,
in the 1800`s to J.F.Rutherford changing that doctrine to saying that the Superiour Authorities were in fact Jehovah & Jesus which the sripture in question clearly shows to be wrong.
Decades later in the early 1960`s the WT magazine goes full circle and states the scripture of Rom.13:1 is not jehovah & Christ Jesus , but the governmental powers that be
SO its true the GB are not inspired and they are not infallible. they make mistakes .
So why would anybody in their right mind put a life and death situation in the hands of these people.