We know that they have a terrible reputation for miss-quoting their sources, so if this is a new leaf they are turning over I welcome it.
We note, however that they have said something similar before :
Yearbook 2011 p13
In summary, the Writing Department insists on using only material that is accurate and truthful, even regarding seemingly insignificant details. As a result, “the faithful and discreet slave” can consistently supply spiritual food that brings honor to “the God of truth,”
How have they acted since then? Perhaps not as many as in some past years but that maybe due to the shortage of hard facts and solid information in the literature these days. A department such as they show in the video has evidently been there some time yet take this from a recent Watchtower.
In the article "Winning the Battle for Your Mind," Watchtower 2017 July page 28 includes a quote regarding propaganda:
"Keep in mind that Satan does not want you to think clearly or reason things out well. Why? Because propaganda “is likely to be most effective,” says one source, “if people . . . are discouraged from thinking critically.” (Media and Society in the Twentieth Century) So never be content passively or blindly to accept what you hear."
What has been cut out and replaced by ellipses (...)?
"Therefore, it is likely to be most effective if people do not have access to multiple sources of information and if they are discouraged from thinking critically. Michael Balfour has suggested that the "best touchstone for distinguishing propaganda from science is whether a plurality of sources of information and of interpretations is being discouraged or fostered. " Media and Society In the 21st Century: A Historical Introduction p.78 or Media and Society In the 21st Century: A Historical Introduction 2009 p.83 depending on edition, Lyn Gorman, David McLean
(quote courtesy of JW Facts.com ...which has a reputation for reliability)
I am therefore not convinced by their claims to accuracy of statement and honest checking.I wonder too if, by presenting this in a video rather than print , it will be effective with it's target audience of faithful sheep but be difficult, impossible perhaps for critics like us to find it again and hold them to account?????????