When people argue Islam is an especially evil religion they often point to verses in the Koran that promote killing non-believers or sexism or homophobia. But what about the Bible verses that do the same?
The bible is an evil book. Parts of the OT are worse than the quran
That's different they say because Christians don't take those verses seriously. Yet history shows they did
and some still do.
Really? Can you think of a country where christian apostates are executed, or homosexuals are imprisoned or killed?
And on the other side you have devout Muslims whose religion moves them to peace and tolerance.
Yes, mostly Muslims who have never read the quran and hadith in their own language.
So if isn't the text and it isn't the bahaviour that sets Islam apart, what is it but pure bigotry?
It is the text and the behaviour. Read the stats on Muslims in the west who want to impose sharia law. The percentage who approve of killing apostates. The majority who treat their wives and daughters as possessions or who view non-Muslims as kafir.
Can you think of a Muslim majority country where you would want to take your wife, daughters and gay son to enjoy a better life? It is an especially evil religion.