Hey terraly,
you said:
"That's why I've always liked the idea that Jesus really was God incarnate, God actually getting subjective, first-hand knowledge of what it was like to be human.
Actually, God ALREADY KNEW what it was like to be human. It was Jesus who did not know what it was like to "experience" human.
Otherwise, Jesus could not say respecting the Father:
"For he himself WELL KNOWS (as in experienced) the formation of us, KNOWING that we are dust."
Psalms 103:14
Jesus, while living IN the flesh said:
"The flesh is of NO USE AT ALL."
John 6:63
First-hand experience wouldn't you say?
God, was already a Savior to Israel. When Jesus was eventually "made perfect" he BECAME a Savior to Israel. A merciful High Priest who can sympathize with our weaknesses just like the Father did.
Hebrews 5:9
Hebrews 4:15
Romans 9:15
John 5:19
The Father "knew" flesh, so there was nothing the Son could reveal to the Father. It was the Father who revealed it to the Son. Thus, the Son lived BECAUSE of the Father and PLEADED to the Father when issues with his flesh "came up."
John 6:57
Hebrews 5:7
May you have peace,