Euph -
Yeru... the American government used to supply Saddam with arms too.
You are absolutely right! However, the difference between when we supplied Saddam with arms, and when France did, is that there was not a UN Resolution in place prohibiting the activity.
And it's not like France and Germany are looking for a handout, here. They're looking to participate in a competitive bidding process, which will save the U.S. money.
I have to kind heartedly disagree with you. France and Germany are not in the least bit concerned about saving the US money. In fact, both nations have made it perfectly clear that they think the US is too prosperous and that we should be sharing our wealth with everyone else. French Babyface's words are indicative of the typical French and German attitude:
When people will realised that sharing is the only way to get better economically everywhere ? things may change for good.
I believe that the reason France and Germany want in on the bidding process is because they know that a lucrative government contract will give a boost to their own economy. They are looking out for themselves, while pointing a finger at us and accusing us of the same thing.
As far as I am concerned, it all comes down to "earning the right" to bid on these jobs. Again, the US is being accused of doing the "tit for a tat" routine because France and Germany pissed us off by not supporting the war. However, that is not the case at all! Bidding on these contracts which can boost an economy is a priviledge! Because America and others in the coalition went in and made huge sacrifices both financially and militarily, they have paid for the priviledge! France and Germany have not. It's that simple.
Yeru referred to a children's story that I heard in a different way, but which generally illustrates what is happening here. In this story a bunch of barnyard animals all decide that they want to eat something better than what the farmer feeds them. They all decide how wonderful baked bread would be, so the Little Red Hen gathers the gardening tools together and asks, "Who will help me plant the seeds?" One-by-one, the barnyard animals say, "Not I"! so she goes out and tills the ground, plants the seeds and nurtures them to their fullest potential. Wanting to give them a second chance, she asks, "Who will help me harvest the wheat?" Again, one-by-one, the barnyard animals say, "Not I"! So she harvests and prepares the wheat for grinding herself. Wanting to give them yet one more chance she asks, "Who will help me bake the bread?" and once again, one-by-one, the barnyard animals say. "Not I"! However, once the barnyard animals smell the delicious aroma of the bread, they suddenly remember how much they wanted to have some fresh baked bread, so they run to the Little Red Hen and tell her they are ready to eat their loaf of bread. Being the smart chick she is, she told the other barnyard animals that since they were not willing to help her, then she was not willing to share with them.
The reason I said this story "generally illustrates" the scenario we face with France and Germany, is because in the real life situation, France and Germany did not agree with the Little Red Hen that baked bread (to help liberate Iraq and/or be a part of the rebuilding effort) was what they were interested in. And each step of the way when the Little Red Hen asked for help, France and Germany not only said, "Not I"!, but they also bad-mouthed and ridiculed the Little Red Hen. Then, when it came time to eat the baked bread, France and Germany are still bad mouthing the Little Red Hen, but think they are entitled to it anyway, even though they didn't agree to be a part of the whole process! Then to add insult to injury, they claim the Little Red Hen is being selfish because she won't share the baked bread, when the true selfish parties are those who did not want anything to do with the bread, bad mouthed the Hen every step of the way, and then had the audacity to think they deserved to share in the bread once they realized the benefit to THEMSELVES. That is pure selfishness. They are expecting something for nothing - AND - they are trying to make the Hen look bad because she can see right through them.
My two cents,