'Saddam's Palace May Be New U.S. Embassy'

by sf 90 Replies latest social current

  • Badger

    We caught Hussein!


    Another Tyrant down...although he could've probably been left alone.

    Saddam was not a threat to any American except Halliburton's attempt to grab oil...

    I'm GLAD he's gone...And our Military (and my cousin, an Ensign in the USN) deserves a huge round of applause.

    BUT...He ain't the one who attacked us.

    He ain't the one who dropped our two tallest buildings.

    He ain't the one who blew up three of our embassies in Africa

    He ain't the one who ran a suicide fireboat at the USS Cole

    He ain't the one who is still on the loose...

    He ain't the one who will probably launch another attack on the U.S. before the election and justify another ballot box ripoff

    (that last one was pure, irresponsible conjecture...sorry...)

    Great work, Dubya...


  • Yerusalyim


    I normally don't say this, but you are a complete idiot. You said,

    Your economy was slacking, so you went to war to replenish your funds, and to top it off, you put a humanitarian twist to it.
    Explain to me exactly how it is that going to war is replinishing our funds...especially after we just approved 87 BILLION dollars in addition to our normal military budget to fight this war. Geesh..that was completely idiotic.
  • Yerusalyim


    Saddam was not a threat to any American except Halliburton's attempt to grab oil...

    Quite unproven. QUITE unproven...it's always convenient to blame the war on oil...the fact that an oil grab hasn't yet occurred shouldn't stop you from spreading this rumor.

    Saddam was no threat to Americans? Tell that to the Americans killed in Israel by Saddam funded terrorism.

  • Badger

    OK then...allow for a re-edit, por favor...

    Saddam was not a threat to any American except Halliburton's attempt to gouge prices and overcharge on a no-bid contract...


  • Yerusalyim

    Still as yet unproven...with the exception of the gas issue...which the pentagon is backing them down on. Badger, the problem with guys like you is you have no world outlook. The connection between Iraq and the first WTC bombing is solid...the connection between Iraq and international terrorism is also beyond doubt (witness the protection of Abu Nidal by Saddam...until he killed him that is). Now the Brits are reporting that Atta was trained by Abu in Baghdad. The problem is you see NO REASON as being good enough to go to war.

    Do you even know why these no bid contracts exist? It's because there is no other corporation in the US set up to do what Kellog Brown and Root does. There was no company in existence ready to go to Iraq at a moments notice to put out oil well fires...etc etc etc.

  • Badger
    The problem is you see NO REASON as being good enough to go to war.

    Not necessarily true...only if...

    1. We (or an ally) have been actually attacked by them, or...

    2. We have conclusive proof that we will be attacked by them.

    In the case of 1, total war. WWII, Civil War, Gulf War I and Afghanistan fit these...Osama was being hidden and supported by the Taliban Government...Not by Iraq.

    In the case of 2, take out their attack capability first...as Bush the Elder and Clinton had frequently with Iraq...

    Do you even know why these no bid contracts exist? It's because there is no other corporation in the US set up to do what Kellog Brown and Root does. There was no company in existence ready to go to Iraq at a moments notice to put out oil well fires...etc etc etc.

    True enough...the point is conceded...

    Still, it's a bit convenient that we just happened to invade a country where the services of a company where the VP worked at a seven-digit salary were so required...I know I'm a lib, so that gives me pause...but you have to admit, the cash running around in this makes Hillary's cattle futures and whitewater look like beer money.


    If Saddam's capture leads to him pointing out the Weapons of Mass Destruction (which would justify the war under Reason 2), I'll eat my opposition to the war and vote for....Kerry, since he supported the war, too.

  • frenchbabyface
    Imallgrowedup : clear that they think the US is too prosperous

    I have to disagree here NOT THE US ... ASIA (regarding prosperity) ... and nothing to see about properity about AMERICA ... NO ... WE THINK THAT THE US IS TOO CONTROL FREAK ! it doesn't mean the same at all ... You know, a bit too much like SADAM ! (in his own occidental way ... for now ...) I mean our countries are living one Millions of death ! ... you know like we are a pharao servant in the pharao's palace and they are pharao's slaves dying to build your own civilization that we've got all the honnor for !!! BULSHIT ! ...

    Imallgrowedup : Sharing our wealth

    read this :

    Some people are sending their kids working to make tennis shoose for us that a big company and an Athlete are sharing togeter ... you pay ... the children, parents and the country pay .. guess with who you shared !) and a few people get little sells jobs in your country. what when those who will be abble to buy the choose will be in china ... and our children will make to chose when while we are checking the trashcan's.

    the bill you are talking about is the one way to give those kind of countries their du monney back ... (of course you are paying ... not those who took the benefice of the system not at the same level at all and not with the same risks) Now my question is why are you mad at those who have been stole and not those who really cheated on you ?

    And realised that you know that they went their to SHARE SOMETHING ! (I MEAN YOU KNOW) there is something to take their ! --- (where is something to take there is the US ... and OTHERS FRANCE and ALIKE !)

    and yeah ... like Badger said !Now, GO GET THE GUY WHO YOU SAID YOU WOULD GET IN THE FIRST PLACE!

    but ... It was all made to go where we stand ... (9/11 ... they knew ... PERIOD) -

    3 PLANES (before any reaction) for a country Armed like the US !!! ... PLEASE ... it is just INBELIEVABLE ... that is the major FORCE of the US ARMY : the AIR and only the AIR which is big already but US is not the only one)

    They knew before the day ... they knew the day ... they had an idea of where and how ... Pulleasssssssssssse ! how comes 3 weapon find a way to just do it ... Eather one : they wanted that war ... or they made it themselves ... (for the same reasons)

    (WHO CHEATED ON US and on the U.S.) his president ? his miserable rich controle freak ! CERTAINLY ...

    my 0,0000001 cent

  • imallgrowedup

    French Baby Face,

    Please forgive me, but I am completely unable to determine what you are trying to say. I am sure you have a valid point, but perhaps you could try entering what you want to say in your native language into the following website, use the free translation and post it again. http://www.freetranslation.com/

    I hope to hear back from you,


  • frenchbabyface

    Thank you Imallgrowedup (but I'd rather not ... if you are bilingual try it ... you'll see) so ...

    never mind ... you 'll see for yourself in its time

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell


    I understand some of what you are saying and I agree with most of it. It is all about control of the economic and political systems. The neocons in Washington have hijacked 9/11, used this for an excuse to push their agenda on world dominance and they the neocons want to make sure no other country rivals them. All to do with colonial imperialism, the same reasons that the US fought against Britain in the revolutionary war. A good book that I have started to read and it just came out, if you get a chance to read it: America's Quest for Global Dominance (The American Empire Project)



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