When JWs come here

by larc 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • seven006


    The title you chose for your topic, “When JWs come here ”, seems to suggest that this Forum is NOT first of all for JWs. Of course there’s no question about it that this forum is in reality an ex-JW hang-out. And that’s what’s so misleading about the heading on the left at the top of the main page.>

    Come on now Yadirf, be fair to Simon now. Granted the site at first glance looks like a JW site, but by just a little use of basic reading skills and the ability to put two and two together someone could quickly figure out what it's all about.

    Simon hasn't used any different technique for presenting information that at first seems to be one thing but in reality is yet another. I'm sure you are more than familiar of this technique, you have used it yourself many times. On a daily basis JW's knock on peoples doors stating their intention is for people to just simply study "their own" bible. I had such a presentation given to me a few weeks ago and listened to the same programed response I once use many years ago. In reality the purpose is to get people to have a bible study using creatively worded study aids so that the house holder will at some time become a JW. If you deny that than you are simply not being honest with yourself.

    It is similar to the technique used by the Amway corporation. They realize that if they ask people to come to their house to preview a corporate sermon to try and entice them to drop a few bucks and then sell soap they would never gain a single salesman. The JW's realize that if they stated up front that they believed that the house holder was going to die along with their children unless they become a JW they would get anywhere at all. The very first introduction to the religion for most people is based on deceptive word manipulation.

    Simon is just using the same technique of specific word and thought manipulation to entice an interest and then later explain the real intention, that's it. If you consider it deceptive then maybe you should look at what you say and what you really mean the next time you begin your presentation out in service. Being totally honest with myself is the key element that got me out of the JW religion. I figured if lying to myself was the only way I could justify my words then what I believed must be wrong. Think about it.


  • Simon

    30 lashes ! Jeepers - I'd best get a new graphic done asap, lol

  • Yadirf


    Granted the site at first glance looks like a JW site, but

    Yeah ……….

    but by just a little use of basic reading skills and the ability to put two and two together someone could quickly figure out what it's all about.

    Then there isn’t much of a reason for not callin’ it what it actually is, is there? … a Discussion Forum for ex-JWs to talk about their former religion.

    I'm sure you are more than familiar of this technique, you have used it yourself many times.

    That’s not true.

    On a daily basis JW's knock on peoples doors stating their intention is for people to just simply study "their own" bible.

    I’ve never once known that to be the case. I’ve never been out in the service going door to door without having a Bible study aid of one sort or another to offer the householder. If the person was favorable to a Bible study, the particular study aid was acknowledged up front. There was no deception attached to it whatsoever.

    I had such a presentation given to me a few weeks ago and listened to the same programed response I once use many years ago. In reality the purpose is to get people to have a bible study using creatively worded study aids so that the house holder will at some time become a JW. If you deny that than you are simply not being honest with yourself.

    Well of course the object is to help the householder to become a JW … we’re obviously not there to teach them the art of sitting in a pew at the local Baptist Church, doing essentially nothing.

    The JW's realize that if they stated up front that they believed that the house holder was going to die along with their children unless they become a JW they would get anywhere at all. The very first introduction to the religion for most people is based on deceptive word manipulation.

    That’s not the least bit true. Jehovah’s Witnesses have never been selective with regards to which Watchtower or Awake magazine that they place with the public. Many, many publications that have contained the very thing you bring up has gone into the publics hands. There’s nothing secretive about those issues at all.

    Simon is just using the same technique of specific word and thought manipulation to entice an interest and then later explain the real intention, that's it.

    As I’ve demonstrated, that’s not true.

    If you consider it deceptive then maybe you should look at what you say and what you really mean the next time you begin your presentation out in service.

    Presently, and as a matter of fact for quite some time now, I am not engaging in the “service”. However, if I were so engaged there would be no necessity for any changes in “what I say and what I really mean”.

    got me out of the JW religion

    Other than justifying deception, into what?

    who still says that Simon is deserving of 30 lashes.

  • logical

    Ive brought up the issue of the deceptive site face before.

    I think it mirrors exactly whats going on in the WTS, amongst JW's in the real world. All innocent looking on the outside, but once you get into it, full of antichrists, antigods, bickering, fighting, demonic stuff, etc etc.

    You havent left, you've simply moved.

  • neyank

    Ahem. Excuse me everyone.
    What do you mean.
    This board isn't for JWs?

    But I'm a JW.
    Alright. So I've been inactive for a few years.
    And I don't believe the WTS is Gods chosen org.
    And I think the WTS is a cult.
    And I think they use control, fear and manipulation to
    keep the rank and file in line.
    And I think the fact that the WTS has claimed to speak
    for God is an abonmination. (spl)

    But other than that I'm a JW. (I think)

    So I think this board is for JWs that want to discuss the WTS.
    Of course not all of them want to know the negative aspects of the org.
    But it's still a place for them to come.
    Whether or not they like it here is another point.


  • Yadirf


    ROLL OVER AND GO BACK TO SLEEP! Play dead if necessary.



    You're NOT a JW! If you were in fact at one time associated with the WTS, THEN you were a JW. Once you decided that you never wanted to have anything more to do with the WTS THEN you quit being a JW. Try to remember that before you became associated with the WTS you were not a JW ... get it? You returned to your vomit, in other words (that's as plain as I can make it for you).


  • somebody


    You're NOT a JW! If you were in fact at one time associated with the WTS, THEN you were a JW. Once you decided that you never wanted to have anything more to do with the WTS THEN you quit being a JW. Try to remember that before you became associated with the WTS you were not a JW ... get it? You returned to your vomit, in other words (that's as plain as I can make it for you).

    There are PLENTY of Jehovah's Witnesses who have nothing to do with the WTS. Jehovah God and the WTS are 2 separate things. One of them is God, and one of the is a muti-million dollar INCORPERATED BUSINESS. When people try to serve both, look at the pain it causes. Not only to other people, but to ourselves also.

    Like the Bible says, we can't serve 2 masters. It's one, or the other.


  • Loki

    Cognitive dissonance - haven't heard that term for a few years! I guess when you are told what to say, how to say it, how you should feel about it, don't learn critical thinking skills, there's not much else left when faced with information you're not prepared for. It used to scare me - if they were right, what was I doing in the org? To hard to contemplate, so attack.

    I like this site, some of the things here really make me think

    Learning to think again

  • Tina

    Hi neyank,

    lemme quote friday here;

    "No you're not a JW. Once you decided that you never wanted anything to do with the WTS,you quit being a JW."

    Yadirf by this very definition describes himself. He hasn't attended meetings in over 20 years! So anything he says is merely bullshit lol. Why don't you ask him why he doesn't go to meetings,which means he has abandoned the wts. We know from what the wts says,only those who stick close to jeh(org) are the ones who willed be 'saved'.......

    Friday,by your very definiton and the wts,YOu are NOt a jw. You can bluster and flail your hands all you want.That isn't gonna change what you really are,an apostate,lol.


    What you doing here Logical. Run out of people to bicker and fight with in the chat room? Man you are something else.

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