Two biggest issues for Watchtower right now

by Teddnzo 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • EasyPrompt
    the fine print.

    "State of New York Office of the Attorney General

    Letitia James Division of Social Justice

    Attorney General

    Charities Bureau

    September 19, 2023

    Re: Jehovah's Witnesses Organization Our File Number: [redacted]

    Dear [redacted]

    I am writing in response to your correspondence to the Attorney General’s Charities Bureau concerning the Jehovah’s Witnesses Organization.

    The Charities Bureau seeks to protect the public’s interest in charities and the services charities provide. When individuals engage in behavior that jeopardizes the assets of charities or their programs or defrauds the public, the Charities Bureau may investigate or take enforcement action. The Charities Bureau receives hundreds of complaints each year and, due to the high volume of complaints, the limits of our resources, and the constraints of our jurisdiction, the Bureau cannot act on or otherwise investigate every complaint.

    We will review your correspondence closely to evaluate whether sufficient basis exists for action by the Attorney General.

    Please be advised that this Office is not authorized to provide legal opinions to or represent individuals. If you believe that you may have an individual claim, you may wish to consult a private attorney. Your local bar association should be able to provide you with a referral to an attorney. Please note: The complaint you have filed with this Office has no effect on any statute of limitations filing deadlines that might apply to your claim. By filing a complaint with this Office, you have not initiated a lawsuit or a proceeding, nor has this Office initiated a lawsuit or a proceeding on your behalf.


    Steven Davis

    Steven Davis Legal Assistant Charities Bureau

    28 Liberty St Fl 16, New York, NY 10005-1400 | Phone (212) 416-8401 | |"

  • Teddnzo

    I wonder if there will be any further attempts for branch offices to do a mole hunt from inside

    I wouldn’t be surprised if there are computer teams designing software to find the moles in the future and then they may leak some tempting bait as part of the mole hunt.

    my wife’s nephew is at Chelmsford but he has no idea we are PIMQ. He may be for all we know, I expect many more are than most realise

  • Teddnzo

    I wonder if there are teams in Bethel searching sites like this one and if so how much info can they get? How careful should those of us be when logging into this site?

    is it possible to get a location and be called into the back room for posting on an apostate site?

    the study on Thursday is all about apostate lies and how they always spread lies it can’t be true if it’s from apostates and the branch says it’s a lie that is the end of the story

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    If you were found posting on a site like this,,,most certainly you would be dragged in the back room at a KH for a judicial committee.

    The WT monitors Simon's site.

    The Borg is more paranoid of apostates all the time. Likely they wouldn't hesitate to kick you out. Loss of friends and family also.

    Yes,,,due caution and care logging-in and posting.

  • EasyPrompt

    The WT reps are the ones that should be taking caution and care.

    Hey, for any "WT reps" monitoring this thread... tell your masters the governmental agencies of the world are working to dissolve the WTBT$ and associated corporations of the JWBorg.

    The WTBT$ and associated corporations are bloodguilty and have misled millions. God and Christ are allowing the WTBT$ and associated corporations to be dissolved. Jehovah always sends a warning first before He destroys something.

    As voting members at the Annual Meeting, this may be your last opportunity to express remorse for the part you have played in this wicked organization. Vote to dissolve the corporations during the Annual Meeting or the government agencies will come and dissolve them for you.

    This isn't the first time the directors of the WTBT$ corporation have been handed down prison sentences, but it will be the last time, because after this the WTBT$ will be completely dissolved. Jehovah always gives a warning first.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Im guessing the only way to use this site safely without being found out and ratted-out is by your android/ios phone or tablet.

    And keep it to yourself using a complete phony baloney made-up user name. While being PIMO or whatever.

  • Vidiot

    I don’t think the secular world is actively trying to “dissolve” the WTS specifically…

    …it’s just the global environment they’re in is simply changing in a way they can’t really adapt to effectively.

    And organisms - biological or social - which can’t adapt to a changing environment go extinct.

    This may seem strange to consider, but in the overall grand scheme of things, the WTS is… well… small potatoes.

    The slow collapse of the Tower is more “collateral damage” than a focused campaign.

  • EasyPrompt
    "This may seem strange to consider, but in the overall grand scheme of things, the WTS is… well… small potatoes."

    It doesn't matter if you have big potatoes or small potatoes - when it's time to make mashed potatoes they all squish down the same.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    Great post!!

  • EasyPrompt

    (More info on the WarWick PIMO situation, details on his judicial hearing...)

    • What was the occurrence lead up to your Judicial Committee?

    “My Bethel account was blocked on August 31st, around 9 PM in my country’s time. I was sitting at my computer when it prompted me for a password, which I entered, but it was immediately rejected. The next morning, I called a brother who works in Translation Computer Support (TCS). He created an incident report and forwarded it to our branch’s computer department. He just said that ‘the matter was being taken care of.’ On Saturday, September 2nd, I received a call from the Language overseer early, around 6 AM. He said he needed my assistance and would come to the house where Bethel was renting, where I lived and worked as a BRS. As he was approaching, he messaged me to dress as if I were going to the Kingdom Hall. I wasn’t ready for this, so I scrambled to find a shirt, pants, and tie to wear. He said “Lets grab the laptops and bring them with it wouldn’t take long.” He said It was a quick matter. We left and went to a Kingdom Hall far from the city in his car. Along the way, he had arranged to pick up another elder and He had pretended he was giving him a ride.

    • That is odd. Did that give you an indication something was off?

    ” Yeah that’s when I was becoming real suspicious of the situation. When we arrived at the Kingdom Hall, he turned on his laptop and joined a Zoom meeting where other Elders were. We had a prayer, read a Bible verse from Proverbs 28:13. Then they explained that the purpose of our meeting was to find out what was happening with my Bethel account. They started asking questions like, “Do you use social media?” I said yes. They asked which ones, and I mentioned them. “Do you have a YouTube channel?” I said no. “Have you heard of the Warwick Pimo channel?” I froze for a moment, realizing they have discovered something, this is it. I wanted to see how much they knew though, so I said no.“Have you ever read apostate materials?” I said no. “Have you ever heard of or used Reddit?” I said no. “Have you heard of the Exjw forum?” I said I hadn’t. They asked for my cellphone number, and I provided it. Then, they asked if I had ever created email addresses using these phone numbers, to which I said yes. They asked which ones, and I mentioned my personal email that they knew about. Then, they asked if I knew the email addresses xxx and xxx. I said I didn’t. (These were the email addresses I used for apostate purposes, including creating the YouTube account.) They asked if I knew of the audit meeting file (the file that caused me trouble). I said no. They said, “You downloaded this file from SharePoint using your Bethel username. Have you ever shared your login credentials?” I said no.

    So it was obvious they had a good indication it was you, they knew enough to make you sweat, and they did this blindsiding you.

    ” Yes, I was a little surprised with how sporadic this all was. Next a brother in the Zoom meeting said, “Based on the evidence, we are sure that the YouTube channel is yours, and you were the leaker of this channel. Since you don’t admit that it’s your account, we will take legal action. This action will uncover the truth and create serious problems for you. It’s better for you to admit your mistake, and we can proceed within Jehovah’s loving arrangement. Normally, you should be in court answering for this crime. What you’ve done is a crime, brother.”

    (The loving provision is that Jehovah’s Witnesses should not go to court to resolve their issues; everything should be resolved within the congregation.)

    “So I folded. I admitted that I was behind everything that had happened. Another prayer was said, and the hearing continued. They repeated the questions, I confirmed. They asked about the reasons for me joining an apostate forum.I explained “one day while browsing, I saw information about Jehovah’s Witnesses and when I entered, I found a discussion about Brother Geoffrey Jackson lying in court. Then days later, I saw the video of Brother Morris buying a large quantity of expensive drinks in a liquor store”

    This is something a normal Bethelite cannot do and remain in good standing. They are held under more extreme rules then the average Jehovah’s Witness not residing within.

    ” I watched for their reactions. The brother just got up and left with the laptop connected to Zoom still. I didn’t hear they were discussing, but he came back and said they decided it was better to move from the Kingdom Hall to the RTO. (Remote Translation Office) When we arrived at the RTO, the questioning continued with the zoom from the others in Bethel. They asked what was discussed on the Exjw forum on Reddit. I said various topics: Brother Morris leaving the Governing Body, the $250,000 house the organization bought for him, and the videos of Brother Tony. They asked if I knew anyone personally on the forum. I said “No, most members prefer to remain anonymous to avoid problems like this, mine, as there are people in the PID department monitoring the Exjw community and reporting everything to Bethel, which then informs the elders.” They seemed alarmed and didn’t speak for about a minute. Then they asked “who frequents the forum and how many there are?” I said “The forum is full of Jehovah’s Witnesses and ex-Jehovah’s Witnesses, with around 90,000 users.” They once again asked me to mention the usernames of some former Jehovah’s Witnesses, but I said I couldn’t remember. They asked about the meaning of Pimo, Pomo, and Pimi. -They already knew the meanings and confirmed them. Regarding thr protests: “Did the leaked files aim to help those protesting at the White House?” I said “no.”

    They asked for my phone with all the applications I used to leak files. I refused, they insisted again, and I said it was illegal. Interestingly, at this point, they said“Your videos and the leaked videos put the Governing Body and the organization in danger. The material that leaked is what apostates need to undermine the organization. You provided them with everything they needed.” (In my heart, I thought that those who have nothing to hide have nothing to fear.)
    • Apostates is a typical fear tactic term the organization has been using for a very long time, to scare their followers from reading other information about the organization.
    “They asked if I knew the risk the organization would face for putting SFL* (Shepard of The Flock of God- Elders Textbook) information in the hands of apostates. I said “The SFL was already available on Avoidjw before I did that. This upcoming update will be available there soon as well.” The elders were left speechless. The information that they said that shocked the organization included: the process for someone to enter Bethel, the visit to the world headquarters (where I explained what was behind the visit), and the video where an elder is removed from the body of elders because his daughter is going to college, along with the videos of Brother Tony. When they dismissed me and I tried to access YouTube after, my account no longer existed. So, that email address I created can no longer create a YouTube channel- down in minutes.
    • This gives a hint that elders not in Headquarters are only told what they need to know by Headquarters, not what is actually happening.” The Following Tuesday was your official Judicial committee, even though they already hounded you right?
    ” Yeah, I expected this now. On the following Tuesday at 3 PM my local time, I received a call from three elders informing me that a judicial committee had been formed, and I was accused of apostasy and stealing files from the organization. They asked me to come to the Kingdom Hall at 7:45 AM the next day. I agreed, arrived there, and the hearing began. You may not believe it, but they repeated the same 15 some questions in different ways and for a long time. My head was spinning. At 1 PM, they said I should go home, have lunch, and they would call me to inform me of the final decision. I went home, and at 3 PM, they called me to go to another Kingdom Hall because the one we used in the morning was needed for a meeting.
    • Sounds like they were throwing you everywhere, constant switching of locations, and they were scattered as well.
    ” Yes and let me clarify something: I presented things in a way this time that they couldn’t find reasons to disfellowship me. Because of this, they called Bethel. I could see it happening through the window when they left the room again and the call was made. It seemed like Bethel had already decided what needed to be done to some extent. They came back, and the brother said, “Due to the severity of your sin, and after checking the organization’s guidelines and with the help of the Holy Spirit, we have decided that you must cease to be a Jehovah’s Witness.” After that, I went home, wrote a letter requesting an appeal committee. In it, I explained that the judicial committee disfellowshipped me based on the severity of the case, which goes against what the organization teaches. A Bethel appeal committee was sent on Friday, asking the same questions, and in the end, they agreed with the original judicial committee. I regretted, but my repentance wasn’t proportional to the gravity of the sin. On the 19th, my sources from Bethel, not the RTO, informed me that the announcement was made to the Bethel family about me no longer being a Jehovah’s Witness.”
    • That is a intense and lonely thing to go through, that kind of announcement. They sure put you through the ringer. To be clear, you are not going to court- and other than them threatening legal action the one time, they disfellowshipped you instead?

    “They said they would take the matter to court IF I continue to deny that the channel is mine and that I was the one leaking information. They asked me not to record the judicial hearing, but I was happy to share it with you.”

    • How are you doing now? Are you okay? Many have been worried about your living situation and general state since no one has heard from you since your accounts disappeared.

    “Right now, I’m tying to survive. The past few days have been a daze, A lot happened. I’ve been worried, confused, hurt. Now I am thinking more clearly about what had all happened. This time has been very difficult for me. I can hardly respond to emails, but I have been trying. I’ve found a temporary place to live while I look for a more permanent residence. I am out of Bethel housing. However, it depends on finding employment. For now, I’m just trying to make ends meet. Things are not easy in Africa, especially because I left without saving much to survive. With the help of some community members through my PayPal [email protected], at least I am able to eat and take care of a few things while I search for a home and a job. Those who left Bethel in the same way I did understand what this means. That’s why I say it’s not easy in my country. If I were in the United States, I would have a job and a place to stay; many friends from the community offered me these options, but unfortunately, I’m not in the United States. I’m very grateful for your concern.”


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