by stillajwexelder 11 Replies latest forum suggestions

  • Lost Diamond
    Lost Diamond

    I would go to my company's X-mas parties even when I was a JW. I would justify it as being a "employee recognition" party and made sure I didn't tell anyone from my congregation .....and I had no guilt. I sure had fun!!

  • freelife

    I went to 2 christmas parties the one for my company and one at the party center where my fiancee works. At my party my best friend made a request to the dj and dedicated it to me and my fiancee. Can you guess what it was? He had the dj play the freeking song "why don't we get drunk and screw". Can you believe that? he did that right in front of my whole company my fiancee got about as red as a fire truck. But i guess it was a good omen though if you know what i mean. the next night at her party we ended up singing kareoke to that same song. All in all it was a blast.

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