Just want to let you all know I went to the company Christmas Party last night -- Crabs Legs appetizer, salad, Prime Rib (cooked rare), Strawberry Cheese Cake washed down with Bourbon and a Jack Phelps Californian Red --- but the best bit of all -- - IT FELT GOOD AND I HAD ZERO GUILT - and did not bump into and JWs so I am not going to get DFd just yet!!
by stillajwexelder 11 Replies latest forum suggestions
Big Thumbs up to you sjwxe.
That "zero guilt" should be the name of the after dinner drink I think. Perhaps a poster on JWD can come up with a recipie for a drink, named such. This could be the start of something big here.
Wouldn't it be great to be out at a restaurant, and overhear a JW order a "Zero Guilt"
Thanks for sharing. My company's Christmas party is tonight, and this will be my 10th I believe. ( I was sneaking away before we left, the parties were just too much fun) And we are directly across the street from the Casino. Who knows? I may partake of 2 of the "Forbidden Emblems"
xjw_b12.... proud member of stillajwexelder's "zero guilt" club.
GOOD FOR YOU!!! I?m all for it. Enjoy all the good things now. We?ve a lot to make up for.
Best wishes,
As for the x-mas party......it probably wasn't ANY different than some of the dub get togethers I've been to, with Drinks flowing and food being gluttonized.
Glad you had a good time dude.
Well I hope you at least didn't wear those 70's bellbottom pants your wearing in this pic
LOL @ Gumby. 10 post points for that one.
You dammed glutton! You're going to die... Jehovah hates you....
I hope that you partied like a pagan!
I couldn't go; I work with 2 JWs and I'm trying to stay a fader. One lady did bring back some food for me though. (my emoticons aren't working!!!)
Blondie: Laughed at your experience! I went to mine and won the damn door prize; now my picture will be in the employee newsletter! Not sure how I'll explain that.
Merry Christmas sjwxe!
I just enjoy this time with my 7-year old daughter as I did when I was a little boy, before the JW mess came up.
Willyloman: Blondie: Laughed at your experience! I went to mine and won the damn door prize; now my picture will be in the employee newsletter! Not sure how I'll explain that.
ah that reminds me...it's our xmas lunch coming up soon..can't wait..got a new suit for it...it's a nice lahdedah one..lol