by stillajwexelder 11 Replies latest forum suggestions

  • stillajwexelder

    Just want to let you all know I went to the company Christmas Party last night -- Crabs Legs appetizer, salad, Prime Rib (cooked rare), Strawberry Cheese Cake washed down with Bourbon and a Jack Phelps Californian Red --- but the best bit of all -- - IT FELT GOOD AND I HAD ZERO GUILT - and did not bump into and JWs so I am not going to get DFd just yet!!

  • xjw_b12

    Big Thumbs up to you sjwxe.

    That "zero guilt" should be the name of the after dinner drink I think. Perhaps a poster on JWD can come up with a recipie for a drink, named such. This could be the start of something big here.

    Wouldn't it be great to be out at a restaurant, and overhear a JW order a "Zero Guilt"

    Thanks for sharing. My company's Christmas party is tonight, and this will be my 10th I believe. ( I was sneaking away before we left, the parties were just too much fun) And we are directly across the street from the Casino. Who knows? I may partake of 2 of the "Forbidden Emblems"

    xjw_b12.... proud member of stillajwexelder's "zero guilt" club.

  • Dansk


    I?m all for it. Enjoy all the good things now. We?ve a lot to make up for.

    Best wishes,


  • gumby

    As for the x-mas party......it probably wasn't ANY different than some of the dub get togethers I've been to, with Drinks flowing and food being gluttonized.

    Glad you had a good time dude.


  • xjw_b12
    Well I hope you at least didn't wear those 70's bellbottom pants your wearing in this pic

    LOL @ Gumby. 10 post points for that one.

  • shamus

    You dammed glutton! You're going to die... Jehovah hates you....

    I hope that you partied like a pagan!

  • blondie

    I couldn't go; I work with 2 JWs and I'm trying to stay a fader. One lady did bring back some food for me though. (my emoticons aren't working!!!)


  • willyloman

    Blondie: Laughed at your experience! I went to mine and won the damn door prize; now my picture will be in the employee newsletter! Not sure how I'll explain that.

  • Narkissos

    Merry Christmas sjwxe!

    I just enjoy this time with my 7-year old daughter as I did when I was a little boy, before the JW mess came up.

  • Incubus
    Willyloman: Blondie: Laughed at your experience! I went to mine and won the damn door prize; now my picture will be in the employee newsletter! Not sure how I'll explain that.


    ah that reminds me...it's our xmas lunch coming up soon..can't wait..got a new suit for it...it's a nice lahdedah one..lol

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