Which is worse - a JW wedding or a JW funeral?

by jgnat 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • PopeOfEruke

    Whats the difference between a JW wedding and a JW funeral?

    One less drunk.


  • Surreptitious

    Good one Pope! Reminds of a story I heard the other night.

    The Jews don't recognize Jesus as the Messiah. The Baptists don't recognize the Pope as God's representative on earth. And JW's don't recognize each other in the liquor store.


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Equally silly. Same old sermon for the wedding, and same old resurrection/paradise sales pitch on the funeral. I don't go to anymore, unless is an extremelly close friend and I can't get out of it, just to the cemetery/burial; and I don't go the KH wedding, just to the party if invited.


  • undercover
    Dubs like captive audiences. They use these occasions to teach their doctrines to any newcomers there........and there is ALWAYS newcomers at these two events. Both of these occations are more like a talk to instuct, rather than the purpose it should really serve.

    Nobody really listens to the wedding talk, especially those getting married. By the time the reception starts, everybody has forgotten the actual wedding itself and is ready to party. Unfortunately for those non-JWs visiting, they will dissappointed. Very little if any booze, boring music and it shuts down by 10pm(can't be late for the Sunday mtg, ya know).

    The funeral talk is more deceptive and dangerous. People are upset and depressed. The talk may go right through a JWs ears without much recognition of what's being said(heard it all before anyway). Non-JWs though, in their emotional state, may be curious about this "future paradise" scenerio. They want to hear and believe good things about the deceased and here stands a spokesman for this religion spouting "good news of God's kingdom which will wipe out every tear from their eyes". It's shameful really. The one day that should have honor reserved for the deceased is turned into an oppurtunity to gain new recruits at the expense of the dead.

    I remember standing with two other MSs, strategically placed, around the graveside service of a brother in our congregation, handing out the brochure about dead loved ones to all non-JWs as they came within arms reach. I had forgotten about this until I read this thread and now I'm embarrassed that I took part.

  • Pistoff
    The one day that should have honor reserved for the deceased is turned into an oppurtunity to gain new recruits at the expense of the dead.

    This is the truth; I have always cringed at the infomercial aspect of the funeral especially. I don't want to hear another scripture about how great the future will be; how about some help in remembering the individual, and respect for the mourning family?

    I attended a funeral recently for an infant who died after living for only a few days; a full funeral was held. And every other sentence was, the parents believe this will happen to their little girl, and they believe that will happen. It was shameless, and I was embarassed.


  • El Cid
    El Cid

    For me personally a JW furneral is the worst. The elder who gave the 'talk' at my father's funeral said barely 30 seconds worth of information on my Dad (just factual stuff like his date of birth, death, surviving family members, etc.) - the rest the services was nothing more than a Watchtower infommercial. Then the elders in the hall would not allow my DF'd sister to attend the gathering following the services (she was DF'd over 20 years ago and should have just been considered a non-JW relative in my opinion). The rest of my non-JW family was thorougly disgusted about that! I have since left the religion myself and have sworn that when my mother passes (who is still a JW) that we will have a non-demoninational service for her outside of a Kingdom Hall.

  • JT

    furnerals are worst- they are INFOMERICALS

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