And this is the same god that Christians, of whatever denomination, still worship today.
Have JEHOVAH ever supported WARS between his WORSHIPPERS?
by Longlivetherenegades 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The batteries mustve been dead in the Urim and the Thummin
It couldve been divined in an Achan-like way...
These men wanted to kill me. “
Then he adds” So they raped my concubine to death.” ( But he never says outright that he shoved her into their arms)swtte: yeah, like "righteous" Lot, who tried the same 'using his daughters as a human shield' ploy , trying to hand them over to the potential abusers.
In other words, where is the purity loving creator when we need him. making all the wt comments about j-based protection empty promises.
Anony Mous
A lot of the Bible is justification for what happened. The narrative in writings until the early medieval times in most stories wasn’t historical as we are accustomed to today. It was more of a story telling as to the mores of the people and the decisions they made and why we should do certain things.
Basically, it was what we would today consider a children’s story. There was no wolf that ate the boy that cried wolf, there is no historical evidence this ever happened. Likewise, the Bible is a collection of stories about what happens to people when they do or don’t do certain things.
Whatever we can correlate to historical events, was often written after the fact and often as a justification or victory lap for the winners. So it is very likely these things happened, genocide and all, the reasons for it were invented after the fact, perhaps based on real events that still lingered but blown way out of proportion. Basically someone started asking questions hundreds of years later about why they eradicated the Benjamites and someone came up with a justification.
Similar to how the media covers stories today, if that was all lost in time and then you find some of the CNN records, the reason millions of people died is because Trump was an evil genius and a few records about Biden took over and a big fight in the Capitol and then all reporting on COVID death disappeared.
Thousands of years later, people may read portions of the CNN records as the few extant history left from our era and conclude that Trump was an evil genius who had a remote control virus and then there was a big war in the US that went through the nation and burned down the capitol. Or a more reasonable review would show the writer didn’t like Trump and favored Biden and was trying to manipulate for political gain. When you then staple together other documents and archeological evidence from the same era, they’ll conclude it was probably not that Trump was an evil genius, there is no contemporary or physical evidence there were ever thousands of people fighting in Washington, there was no plague-like pandemic, the Trump war didn’t exist or didn’t have any political impact, but the source had an ulterior motive.
THAT IS THE ENTIRE BIBLE - a CNN of ancient times. King Solomon and King David, never existed, they were media propaganda for a few warlords that had to justify their existence and their actions, kind of like stories about Biden today.
JWs make up not going to war by killing themselves in hospitals refusing a Blood Transfusion and cause numerous indirect suicides from breaking up families and marriages
So they are blood guilty in other ways