Cat bathing as a Martial Art

by Gadget 18 Replies latest social humour

  • jgnat

    My honey is not a cat-man. He manages to make "heeere, kitty, kitty" sound sinister. I have seen stray cats streak for the hills from that wheedling call. Being cat-clueless, and a man, he thought he would make "friends" with my Archie one sunny afternoon. He tried his "kitty, kitty" call and Archie immediately hid under the front porch. Not a man to give in easily, my honey decided to "persuade" Archie to come out. He ran the garden hose under the step. It worked. Archie came out muddy, wet, and spittin' mad like only a cat can be.

    Uh oh.

    Man brain-cells kicked in. My honey got his first inkling that this attempt at cat-friendship would NOT GO OVER WELL with his beloved. He decided to make it better. He picked up Archie up by the scruff of her neck, and gave her a good washing down with the hose. He now had a rat-thin SHIVERING spittin' mad cat.

    Uh oh.

    No prob. My honey locked himself and Archie in the half-bath with the blow-dryer. He ended up with a warm, fluffy FREAKED OUT, SPITTIN' MAD cat.

    Archie never recovered. I had to adopt her out shortly after.

  • jgnat

    Another cat story. When my honey and I were vacationing in central Alberta, we made a side-trip to Torrington, Alberta to see the gopher museum. We were held up in the middle of downtown - not by a cow or a gopher, but a stray cat. He obviously owned the place, because he was taking his own sweet time crossing the road. My honey rolled down the window and made his famous wheedling call in a deep baritone, "Heere, kitty kitty."

    That cat STREAKED across the road.

    I am surprised it did not get a speeding ticket.

  • jgnat

    One more cat story. My daughter wanted a dog. I thought dogs required too much maintenance. So I got a kitten, hoping that would satisfy my daughter. Along came Jesse, a male siamese cross. My strategy kind of worked, but Jesse had to accommodate a teenager's obsession. And he obliged. He learned to sit, lie down, shake a paw, and "go in" to his carrier. My daughter bathed him from when he was very young, so he endured regular baths as well. We never suffered scratched arms or fights to get him to the vet. To compensate for this humiliation, he walked as if he had never been neutered and beat up all the toy dogs in the neighborhood.

  • Nikita
    Is it mean to do something like that to? And what do they really think of us? Here's one of their diaries.......

    Alright Gadget, when were you able to steal my cats diaries?? Huh??

    LMAO, this thread is hysterical!!


  • Gadget

    I don't have any pets at the minute, just bonsai. I'm getting a cat after christmas though! I want a nice small kitten so hopefully it won't of had enough time to learn all the tricks from the other cats........

  • Gadget
  • Country_Woman

    This is too funny, I was thinking that only dogs have to be washed (mine are fighting themselves to nearly dead to avoid washing).

  • LDH

    Great thread. My current cat, Noodle, could use bathing some day soon. I'll wait till a hot spring day when she can 'air dry' and not catch her death of pneumonia.

    I still miss our old cat Sabrina, who loved to get bathed. We started when she was a kitten, and by the time she was full grown, she also enjoyed being vacuumed and being rolled backwards with a lint roller......


  • stillajwexelder

    SFP BTW stands for Shower Fresh Pussy -- I will let you all work that one out!

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