Archangel: Your God reminds me of a French phrase (I don't know if my English translation will be understood overseas): "If you meet him on the sidewalk, cross the street."
What would you think of a guy saying: "I love you, but if you don't accept my love I'll torture you"? Screwy. Just imagine what kind of mind a similar God could come from.
Speak about morality: in the Bible Job is a moral character, and because he is he has the guts to risk his life arguing with such a god (who was not yet screwy enough to invent such a perversion as "Christian" hell).
Leolaia, I'm definitely on your fan club: once again your synthesis was great! (btw, thanks for your replies on the other threads). Just for a complement, etymologically Sheol is definitely related to the meaning "inquire" of the sh'l root (as in 1S 28), but also to the meaning "claim" of the same root, as the old mythological representation of death eventually claiming every mortal (good or bad, that's the pars veritatis of the adventist and JW teaching IMO): Psalms 141:7 and Proverbes 30:15f on this one.