Dooooomed I say.....doooooooomed
Doom for the Democrats
by stillajwexelder 48 Replies latest social current
Funny too that people swap political right wing extremism for ...
It's a cheap shot expat - I expect better frankly.
Stacy Smith
Funny Simon you didn't expect more from kgfreeperson when they said
It is fascinating to me that so many JWs flee from the Watchtower to the arms of the Republican Party.
Expats response was just to that. Surprisinly you missed what he was responding to
It's a cheap shot expat - I expect better frankly.
I know, but sometimes cheap shots are so amusing! I'll attempt to make some expensive shots in future!
Having said that, have you considered the similarities between the Watchtower religion and socialism? Just replace Jehovah with The State, the Governing Body with the socialist beurocracy etc. Not only that, but the JW attitude of waiting for all their needs and wants to be supplied by the big J instead of going out and doing it for themselves, is very similar to the socialist's attitude of wanting the state to control and dish out jobs/benefits/housing/education/healthcare etc etc etc, instead of taking responsibility for themselves.
Oops ... I must scroll slower or read faster
Stacy Smith
No worries Simon, I just figured you were cruising the gloating conservative posts today and missed a liberal one
Wouldn't you say Tony Blairs stock is up these days too? I wonder about that.
No one is claiming that the war on terror is over, but this is a huge step. I'll bet Saddem is doing his level best to sell information as we speak. I'm grateful he was taken alive. He will spill his guts. Some middle east people are calling him a coward for not fighting to the death or taking his own life. Interesting.
Then you have to also wonder if Iraq will execute him after all information has been extracted from him?
The fact is that the democrats were banking on the fact that Saddam had not been found. This was not a good day for the extremist democrats like that dumbass Howard Dean. Saddam was captured alive, and the economy is up.
It's fascinating to me that so many xJW's swap religious socialism for political socialism.
Oh that is sooo true.
I understand all of the right wing conservatives in the USA are lining up at the Social Security office to relinquish their Social Security benefits. They claim that their conscience just wont allow for it.
They are asking that the government keep their check and use it to pay for the war in Iraq.
BTW the democrats are in trouble if the economy rebounds. "It's the economy stupid" --James Carville
Don't put the cart before the horse.
As for the comparisons between the JWs and "socialists" why not compare the elitism of the GB to the elitism of capitalist corporations? Or their heavy-handed morals to the conservativism of the Republicans? Or how about...we just not compare them to any political ideology since the comparison will always be a weak one?
similar to the socialist's attitude of wanting the state to control and dish out jobs/benefits/housing/education/healthcare etc etc etc
Education? Are you serious? Some sort of balance is needed there.
BTW the democrats are in trouble if the economy rebounds. "It's the economy stupid" --James Carville
Yeah, shame that "electibility" is tied to the economic cycle instead of policies.