I understand all of the right wing conservatives in the USA are lining up at the Social Security office to relinquish their Social Security benefits. They claim that their conscience just wont allow for it.
If we were allowed to "opt out" of Social Security, you can bet that most conservatives - and a great deal of liberals as well - would be happy to give up their social security "benefits" because most of us know that our "compulsory retirement account" won't be there by the time we want to use it. Right now, we ALL are just throwing our money into a dark hole. However, I must point out that you are indeed correct - right now, there are no conservatives in line at the Social Security Adminstration to relinquish their benefits. But, as it is not legal to "quit" social security, neither are there any liberals in that same imaginary line.
I figure it isn't over till it's over (Yogi Berra).
There is still about 11 months until voting day. The news seems to indicate that if the election were held today George W would probably win. Can he hang onto this lead until November 2004, time will tell. Didn't his dad seem a shoe-in but then saw his lead eaten away and he lost to newbie Bill Clinton?
Blondie (issues run my life, child abuse has made me more politically aware)
It's no secret that I am a conservative and support Bush. Election day is a long way off yet and anything can happen, although I deeply feel Bush is going to be reelected.
As for comparisons of exJWs, I think a lot depends on what region they live in and what sort of congregation they were in. We all know there is no such thing as "Pure language." Some congregations are heavily liberal and others are heavily conservative. One of the things thatd rove me away from the dubs was the heavy liberalism I was subjected to in my congregation. I had already rejected liberalism long ago as not for me.
I feel that many migrate to the opposite of what their congregations were, hence some become liberal, some become conservative. Neither political leaning has a lock on exJWs or anyone else.
Sounds like an admission that republicans are shallow and stupid to me. Well, at least the ones who support Bush and co. anyway.
How does finding Sadam change anything? Did you really think he'd vanished into thin air? The economy? Did you really think that all of American business would just stop working towards a profit motive because intelligent people know that Bush is a fiscal pirate?
I agree with you in theory, however, unless a lot of conservatives are not speaking up, the majority on this board hold liberal political views. For what it is worth, I've yet to see a post of yours I do not agree with. However, using the logic you provide, for so many liberals to be on this board, that would mean that the majority of the congregations are conservative. And conservative views (such as supporting one's owns self by getting a good education and an ever better job) are not views supported by the WT. I personally think the WT teaches people to depend upon others, (ie. the GB), and (as a whole), some have a hard time breaking away from that mindset once they leave the borg. That is why I agreed with Expatbrit's statement earlier.
Some congregations are heavily liberaland others are heavily conservative. One of the things thatd rove me away from the dubs was the heavy liberalism I was subjected to in my congregation. I had already rejected liberalism long ago as not for me.
Now, what the hell are you talking about? Surely you cannot mean "liberal" or "conservative" in the political usage of the terms since the JWs are apolitical or, better yet, anti-political. So, are you refferring to morals or social norms? Yes, some congregations are more "liberal" than others in terms of JW policy but certainly they are not anywhere near "liberal" in terms of how most people use the word unless, of course, you were at some congregation that performed gay marriages, condoned abortions, gave out condoms and stifled corporal punishment of children. Come on. WTF are you on?
some have a hard time breaking away from that mindset once they leave the borg
You will notice that I used the word, "some" - not the word "all", or even the word "most". If you don't fall into the category of "some", then please disregard my comment, and I will disregard the rude label you tried to put upon me.