Dallas Aposto-Pix

by Country Girl 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    First, let me say thanks to all our wonderful hosts/hostesses in Dallas for arranging this great weekend. Everyone had such a good time, and there are so many funny things that happened! Special thanks to Jesika and her boyfriend for letting me stay at their house, and providing all the beer for me and Jesika's wild Friday night. Smooches guys!!

    The food at the gathering on Saturday was so good, and I would say approximately 35 people partook of this spiritually upbuilding feast. There was lots of spontaneous laughter, heartfelt serious conversations, joy and a feeling of outright freedom. It was nice to be in a place where you had a common bond with everyone as survivors, but still had the freedom to share the "good stuff" any way you wanted to.

    P.S. If *anyone* does not want their images posted, please let me know by a PM and I will remove the pic or alter it so that you cannot be identified. I am just not sure of some of the identities, and I sincerely don't want to offend anyone by posting a pic that they didn't want posted. So I apologize in advance.

    Anyway, without further ado.. here's my link to pix. There are two albums:



    Hope you enjoy them *and* my stupid captions!



    Hey (((Country Girl))) glad to read that you had a lovely time up north in Dallas.

    Wish I had the chance to head down south to much warmer lattitudes than here, but alas, there's nothing like a Canadian Great Lakes winter.

    As I type, there's a few inches/centimetres of snow on the ground, and believe it or not, it's quite beautiful.

    Glad to read/see that everyone who attended the Dallas gathering, had a wonderful time.

    Athene: thinking of you, as always!

    ol' Rayzorblade

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Thanks Brubbah! <<<<<Brubbah>>>>>

    We had a great time, and it would have been even MO BETTA if you were there! Can you send some of that snow to Austin?

    You're the best!


  • IT Support
    IT Support

    Country Girl,

    I treid looking at your photos (*and* captions!) but there seems to be a problem with the URLs.

    I got error messages "Internal Error (no album)" and "You do not appear to be the owner of this album. Make sure you are logged in."



  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Hey Ken:

    So sorry about that! I was still logged in and editing, so copied wrong URL's. The links should work now.



    OK, I'll admit, I am most envious.

    I wish I had been there.

    Athene: you have the most beautiful eyes.

    Nice to see the pics of the Dallas gathering.

    I'll get south, one of these days.

    Nice photos, thanks for sharing.

    Best wishes,
    ol' Rayzorblade

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    You betta git yo hiney down heah one day, or I'm gonna open up a can on ya! Thanks raymond.



  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    You betta git yo hiney down heah one day, or I'm gonna open up a can on ya! Thanks raymond. <flutters eyes at Raymond>


    Country Girl

  • IT Support
    IT Support

    Thanks, Country Girl.

    Looks like you had a lot of fun!

    Best wishes,


  • Englishman

    Looks like fun! I wish I'd been there.

    I couldn't spot this fella anywhere, didn't he turn up?


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