Dallas Aposto-Pix

by Country Girl 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • arrowstar

    Thanks Country Girl!!

    What fun we had!! Laughing so hard our cheeks were hurting. How fun to meet so many wonderful people and spend time face to face. I will always remember that evening.


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    Yes! Doubting Thomas was there that night, as is plainly apparent in the photo below.

    Like other well known stars, like Prince, he appears much smaller in stature in person than he does in the movies.


  • SpunkyChick

    Thank you so much for sharing those pics! I wish I could have come....


    Yes, thanks for sharing the pics. Looks like a fun time was had by all!!

  • xjw_b12

    Great Albums Country Girl. Nice to see some of the faces of the people I met in October.

  • SheilaM

    Great pics XW you look beautiful

  • morty

    Great pics Country girl....Nice time by all, as it looks....

    It is so nice to be able to put faces to the names now...

    When is the next one??? ( has I mentioned in another post)

    I want a holiday!!!!!!!!


  • Celia

    Isn't the resemblance striking?

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Dallas was maaaahve-rous! I left on Friday morning, and was going to go stay at Jesika?s. She hasn?t been on the board much lately, but we were in chat late one night and were talking about the Dallas deal, and she said I could come stay with her. That was cool because I was having trouble getting a room at the same place they were all staying. Funny thing is: the night of the party we all went back to Xena Warrior?s room and stayed til 3:00 a.m. and I was so tired. My eyes were just drooping (must get plastic surgery thankyou) and I thought: Man! Jessica?s house is so far North of Dallas, I must get a room, and they had like dozens of rooms open! So I got me one, and slept til 8 a.m! Not bad for a country girl huh? I actually slept later than my 4:30 a.m. wakeup call by Henley the rooster.

    I went up on Friday, and we just started drinking wine. Oh my gawd: by 7 p.m. we were well on our way to ?Oblivionville.? I guess you saw our crazy posts that night on the board. I?d go back and erase MY posts, but the thread would still be there. Jesika?s boyfriend had stocked his downstairs refrigerator with imported beers (even chocolate), wines, liquors, whatever you?d want. We drank that whole refrigerator up by 4 a.m. We played poker with her boyfriend, then started playing on the board. She set up a Yahoo account in my name. ?Athene Pootie Poo.? Now if you are a true country guy, you KNOW that Rodney Carrington calls his wife?s <cough> ?parts? her ?Pootie Poo.? Isn?t that repulsive? Well, apparently we thought it was funny, so she set up a Yahoo IM messenger account with that name so we could talk together between computers that are less than 8 inches apart! Is that asinine or what? We were out of our minds. We called Craig, who is a moderator on the board, at 3 a.m. Thankfully, he was very gracious and humoured us drunken apostates. We called Valis? roommate at 5 a.m. He wasn?t very happy. He said ?Lady, do you KNOW what time it is?? I said ?Sure! This is Valis? traveling personal secretary and I was trying to reach him.? Heheheh. He says ?He?s not here. But do you know what time it is?? I kept giving him the time and he kept asking me for the time. Obviously, a conversation that was going nowhere. I did think ?Valis is gonna kick my ass for callin him at that hour.?

    Then Jesika decides we should call Simon, the owner of the board. We tried calling him on my cell phone, but neither of us knew either: how to dial long distance within our inebriated realm, or couldn?t dial. Not to mention the fact that I was going out of town, and husband bought me a cell phone in case of an emergency. What a worry wart. But he made it so the phone won?t call overseas. Heheh. Smart thinking, my man! Simon is so lucky! When I get bored, I have a tendency to call my family in the old country, and my husband made sure that I wouldn?t be rackin up a buncha overseas bills.

    I finally crashed at 6 a.m. and apparently Jesika stayed up much later. I don?t know what happened after that.

    The next day, I called Xena Warrior in her room and they said that Doc, his wife, Shutterbug and his family, Cruzan and Big Tex and chilluns, and all them were going to be down somewhere in Dallas for BBQ for lunch. That sounded like a good prospect, so Jesika woke up around 10:30 and we headed downtown. After many attempts to find the place, frenzied cell phone calls to Cruzan, and Valis standing out in front, we finally found it and had a nice lunch with the ?apostacized.? What sucked, though, is that I totally forgot my purse with money and credit cards at Jesika?s place. She had $20, so that basically paid for lunch. We prolly would have enjoyed a day at the art museum, but we didn?t have the bucks!

    I headed out that evening, around 6 p.m. to meet everyone for dinner. Jesika was pretty tired from our drunken evening the night before, so she stayed home. When I first walked into the restaurant, I asked the people at the door where the meeting for the XJW? was. They just stared at me. They said they had a party for 40 or so, and there is some people that are here of that party. They pointed to two people sitting at the bar. There was Tres Happy and Badger. I walked in, catching them in an intense conversation with the bartender about WHY we were meeting, and WHY she should never become one of them. Actually, I think she was pretty interested because it was hard to order a drink! Hehheh. I had a nice conversation with Badger and Tres Happy, then another guy came in the door.

    MegaDude! I went up to him and chatted with him, and then peeps began to arrive in droves, and it was hard to keep up with them. What was funny is that the local peeps were the last to arrive, with the Viking and the Cheese heads. When they came there, though, you knew it! These are the ultimate rivals/friends of the Dallas apostates. Their apostofests are close to as Texas perfect as you can get. Close, but no cigar. <That?s according to Bill Clinton>.

    I sat with Arrowstar, Elsewhere, Tres Happy, Jade and her hubby, and we chatted a lot over the horse de? ovaries. Elsewhere had this crazy Santa hat on that had a wire coming out of the front with Missile Toes on it. I KNOW where he was going with that. He even was carrying a tube of lipstick (dark spice color) for ladies to put on their lips when they gave him a smackaroo. I just hate to think where he got it. In one of the photos, you see Starr looking for her OWN lipstick in her purse after she wondered where Elsewhere got HIS stick of lipstick and how many lips had been on it. Ewwww! By the end of the evening, he was covered with a fair amount of dark lips on his façade, and ONE hickey on his <cough> nipple. I personally think that every lady there was too classy to give Elsewhere a hickey, so I think he either did it himself, or volunteered the Hoover at the back of the restaurant. <snort> I even gave him a smack on the cheek, but felt guilty all night. <blush> He?s a good guy with a nipple to mouth existence.

    I had a great tete a tete with Arrow and Starr. We found we had much in common, and our stories were broken up with much laughter. I surely enjoyed them both! Arrow is a lady my age and she?s just so incredible. She has a great sense of humour, and she tells wonderful stories. Starr is a beautiful gentle lady from Houston whom I found to be very serene and fun to talk to.

    After everyone ate, we all just started socializing. I got to visit with lots of people. I heard all their stories. One person I was talking to, his story was so sad that I almost started crying. Luckily, he came out of it with much luck and aplomb.

    The food was excellent. Kudos to Playo Arriba for the great food and service. They did a really great job!

    After awhile, of course, I found all the smokers in the place and we went outside to share a ciggie and chat. It was nice. We got to visit over a ciggie and meet some new pholks. After that, the waitress came and said they were trying to clear everyone out of there. That was about 12:30, or so, and I don?t think us XJW?s got outta there before 1 a.m. Everyone was having so much fun that we just kept slowly moving toward the door and yakking.

    Afterwards, we went over to Xena Warrior and Lauralisa?s apt at the Bradford and had a good party there. There was so much laughter and conversation that we prolly woke the whole neighborhood up! By then I think we all were fully apostacized. I went to the hotel lobby at 3 a.m. and asked if they had a room. I was TOO tired to drive back to Jesika?s house (a long way North of Dallas). They had some dozen rooms. I picked one and went up there and crashed. I left at 7:30 a.m.and went back to Jesika?s. I was so tired I crashed a few hours. Didn?t get to meet up with anyone on Sunday. But it looks like they had a good time on Sunday too.

  • CruithneLaLuna

    I had ***wonderful*** time; I'm sorry I didn't get to chat at length with very many of you, but I seem to function best in one of two modes: wall flower, watching and listening to everyone else; or involved in a topical conversation with one or two people at a time. As far as those whom I did get to know a bit are concerned, I felt that I formed some strong and lasting bonds. I hope so. Now that I've actually met a few and talked with a few people face-to-face, I'll be more motivated to participate in the forum regularly.


    Cruithne a.k.a. George

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