My father DAd himself for purely emotional reasons when my parents got divorced seven years ago. It was a rash decision to say the least.
I re-established contact with him about three months ago. I had not seen him since he wrote his letter of withdrawel fromt the Society, mind you. Unbelievably he still felt it was "the Truth" and figured he simply would "die at Armageddon."
Enough of that shit! I gave hime Crisis of Conscience and the Christian Freedom book about two weeks ago -- I had waited because I didn't want to offend him or overload him with what he was brought up to believe was "apostate" material. So, you want to know his reaction?
"I've wanted to express myself the way Ray does for a long, long time" he said. "He seems like a very humble and intelligent man."
Great news, eh? I think so. If nothing more than to help him see that he is not some evil person for leaving the JWs and destined to die at Armageddon. I'm rather pleased with his reaction so far.
Just thought I'd share a little good news with you all.