I've seen a lot of persons that got baptized and go thru 100 questions with the elders say that they did not know that such and such a thing was a disfellowshipping offense. Or that they would be counseled or looked down upon for a certain thing. Did YOU ever experience that type of thing?
After Baptism Was There Anything That You Didn't Comprehend About The Truth
by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends
I'll make it easier. Did you understand ALL that was expected of you to be a JW? Did you fully comprehend the answers to the questions that the elders asked in the series of baptism questions? Did you truly understand that you could be "marked" in the congregation for certain actions such as dating an "unbeliever" or being considered a lazy burden to others? Did you know that you HAD to accept a changed teaching or viewpoint simply because it was called "new light"?......ETC.
Actually, at age thirteen, it all sounded like the best promise of hope one could have. To live forever on a paradise earth. It seemed simple. It wasn't. It became very complicated the older I got. Too many rules and regulations that kept "changing".
I never understood how "truth" could change so much.
Jehovah's Witnesses are like many other religions. They change their views at times. They say they speak for God. Reality is that the Roman Catholic Church is the same. A Vatican Council can make changes in beliefs or practices---just like that! People may complain but they still remain RCs. If someone changes their religion it's not because they're so dissatisfied with the church's teachings. It's because they got excommunicated or almost got "disfellowshipped".
Yes, I didn't comprehend how JWs could say they were loving yet I found little if any real evidence of it. I kept thinking there was something wrong with me.
Blondie, that's a good one! The "truth" had a way to make YOU feel bad as if there was something wrong with you! Talk about "pushing our buttons"! We start wondering why we don't share and feel the love of the "worldwide brotherhood". The WBTS is good......And I mean that in a very sarcastic way.
It is difficult to put in words but I knew once I was baptized questioning and doubt (publicly) was out -- but most of my questions came after baptism - -I knew about there being FEWER earthgquakes since 1914 which the WT has only recently admitted. After baptism I just accepted things with the view "Jehovah wil lput it right in his due time"
One of my wife's major complaints is---you can question anything you want BEFORE baptism, but afterward-----it's forbidden.
Before & after baptism. The meaning of the word propaganda, seriously. After the propaganda article came out in the mags, I asked someone to explain it to me. My head was always in a fog trying to understand JW "unbiased publishing". I should have took the time to question "truths" earlier.
An elder and his wife studied with my hubby and myself together (we were not raised in the "truth"). My hubby was far more advanced in understanding the JW crap than I was. So we studied at his pace. I was left way behind, being too shy to say "slow down". I just nodded my head and thought to myself that I would sort this all out later and get a better understanding of what was being taught.
We were baptized in 1975, so because the end was so near there was a group of us that went through the baptismal questions together. I was able to skate through that also.
So, the answer is no, I did not understand what I was getting myself into.