After Baptism Was There Anything That You Didn't Comprehend About The Truth

by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Soledad


  • minimus

    Hapgood, I know of a number of people that went thru studies and baptismal questions as a GROUP. No personalized attention there, especially for one contemplating such a personal decision.

  • blondie

    I went through questions in the Lamp (yellow) book in the late 60's with several people, ten in fact. The hidden underside of the WTS was never mentioned, miracle wheat, the change from 1874 to 1914 for Jesus' presence, 1925 the end of all things, the ancient worthies being resurrected in 1925. Miracle wheat was the first thing thrown at me at the door. It was hard to find anything on it. Divine Purpose 1959 and nothing until 1975 yearbook. The WTS changes its history.

    But I was an abuse victim that didn't see that the WTS was an abuser too, not just family members. It takes time to heal.


  • Leolaia

    I grew up in the Trooth and was never baptised. But tho I never had the 100 questions (tho I watched my mom sweat it out), I can relate a little. I was 17 years old when I realized to my shock that the annointed were being resurrected since 1918. I thought it was a brand new doctrine. I always somehow thought they were resurrected since the first century. I was really shocked to learn that it was taught all along and somehow I never realized it. And I could not understand where the 1918 date ever came from.

  • undercover

    Somewhere along the line, the WTS dumbed down the process to becoming a JW. When I was little, people had to go through two or three books, understand doctrine and the "deeper things", have a continuous regular share in service and be on the minstry school before baptism. Years later, I noticed that the WTS was pushing the JWs to rush people through the "Knowledge" book and get them to commit to baptism earlier and without near as much knowledge. Service is required but I don't know about the school. Somewhere, in print, it says that they can learn the "deeper things" after baptism as they continue to grow. A few years after that though, they seemed to go back to slowing it down just a little. It seems many were being rushed in too quickly but were not strong enough to go it alone, so then the WTS decided two books should be studied and the new one should be brought along a bit slower. All in all though, it's not near the hassle it was back in the 60s or before. I think it's because the teachings can't stand up to scrutiny today. Too much information out there. They have to get them in quick before somebody enlightens them. Once their in, they just can't walk away.

  • blondie

    Undercover, I think people are busier now that back in the 50's and 60's. Many women even JW work outside the home. People get home and reading a WT publication is the last thing on their mind.

    School does not develop people as in the past. Things I learned in HS aren't taught until college now.

    Anyway you just study the publications. I call it the Regurgitation Generation, no one puts the answers in their own words, just repeat what "the paragraph says" "the slave says" "the Society says" "the Watchtower says" "the book says".


  • minimus

    There's a dumbing down, alright! If one isn't given a foundation to build on, the whole deck of cards will fall down. All they want now is to answer the questions. Later you can understand what the answers really mean.

  • Mystery

    Sentinel said "Actually, at age thirteen, it all sounded like the best promise of hope one could have. To live forever on a paradise earth. It seemed simple. It wasn't. It became very complicated the older I got. Too many rules and regulations that kept "changing".

    I agree. At 14 it was "the best promise" I was ever given! Hey! we are better than everyone else. (Wasn't better than other JW's - but I was than everyone else on the earth!) We were going to live forever! And I had the knowledge and the power to convert them to be the "only true religion"! I knew the "truth!!!" and "they" didn't. Who would ever want to go to heaven??? We were going to live here in a paradise, play with lions, tigers and bears and things....

    What a bunch of hogwash!

  • minimus

    It all does sound childish, doesn't it?

  • Mysterious

    It's such an ego trip. As a child you think wow I'm special. If you were raised in the truth even more so. And you look down on all the "fools" who don't see the "truth" which is so very "obvious".

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