Poor Poor Pitiful Me..........
My Ex dumped me about 5 months ago now. Since then I have not let more than two weeks go by where I have not called him and broke down crying and pretty much begged for him to return to me.
During these five months I have managed to get involved with two people who are emotionally unstable. I wonder how that happened. LOL
I made a promise to myself (for what it seems to be the hundredth time) not to call my Ex at all. I am tired of begging and crying to him about how we should and could work things out. My brain tells me that forcing the situation will never work but as we all know logic never convinces a heart.
Well, deep down I know I need to do a lot of soul searching. I am not as happy as I can and want to be. I know the break-up was for the best but I am so afraid of being alone. That may be my biggest fear so I decided that I must face it.
I made a decision not to date anybody for the next year. I am going to truly focus on myself and what I want out of my life.
I am almost 28 years old and I feel behind most people my age. I have a descent job but I know I can do much better. I added an extra class to my school schedule for the upcoming semester. I am determined to make my life better for myself.
No more playing the role of a victim. I think I have earned a sufficient amount of Academy Awards in that category.
Thank you for taking the time to read my brief story. I posted this hoping to hear from any of you who would be so kind as to share with me your words of wisdom.