Umm, Maverick, I was not the one having a pity party.
Poor Poor Pitiful Me
by sandy 15 Replies latest jw friends
Sorry Sally, I wrote the wrong name on the post! I need an Editor full time!!! Maverick
Yeah ... Go girl !
Sandy! Please don't take this the wrong way, I have no wish to hurt you. ...Get some self respect girl! Not dating for a year would be a good start. Quit beating yourself up! Don't tell yourself all those terrible things you say to yourself over and over in your head. If you want to attract the right kind of person you need to be the right kind of person yourself!
Hey Maverick!
Thanks for the advice. I do appreciate it very much. Believe me I have given that same advice to dear friends of mine on many occasions. It is time to take the advice myself.
Did my post come across as if I am still beating myself up? Because that is not the case any longer. Well maybe at times but "bad habits die hard". I am being positive about my life right now. I am making small but significant steps to make things better.
The title of my post was just a joke. It is actually the name of a Linda Ronstadt song. I have a pretty good sense of humor.
Dont feel bad about breaking down and calling him.....We have all been there.....
The unstable ones you have been involed with are rebounds so to speak...I think maybe in the back of your mind you are thinking, if you date anyone, you will get over that fella you really had alot of feelings for...I have done it myself.....You must work on yourself Sandy....As soon as Sandy is happy, you will be able to set out in this world and find Mr, Right....Dont be hard on yourself, we are imperfect,and we all make mistakes....Good luck to you and your new found life....We all need a good cry once and while,nothing wrong with it..
Double Edge
I am going to truly focus on myself and what I want out of my life.
No more playing the role of a victim. I think I have earned a sufficient amount of Academy Awards in that category.
I think you've pretty much got a handle on it. Focus on all things positive, including people.