It can work. My Mom (JW) and Dad(unbeliever) celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary last month. True love conquers alot i guess. Moms been in the truth since around 74 or 75.
WHILE what this poster has said may be true in SOME CASES it all depends- case in point if a woman is married and THEN BECOMES a jw, it is here duty to be good with the hopes that one day she can WIN HIM OVER WITHOUT A WORD If a person is ALREADY A JW- And THEN you marry them , THAT IS A HORSE OF A DIFFERNT STORY take for example and correct me if i am wrong, you mentioned that you have sex with this Baptized jw- well let me tell you what i have seen happen over and over again i was an elder in a congo of 42 SINGLE WOMEN AND ALMOST to the man, each one that got married to a non-jw man, when they started having maritial problems and you will just naturally the female jw begins to think that it is due to the sin/sexa BEFORE MARRIAGE AND OFF they would come to me to confess, guilty is a bitc%- so here you have some non-jw guy who is married and his wife is telling 3 horny men how you licked her "Coochie" and got her Doggy style, while this is very graphic the fact is this is how IT IS DONE IN SO MANY ELDERS MEETIng WITH women who commit "Fornication" before marriage and the next thing you now THEY MAY EVEN CALL YOU IN - i have seen it done- so you situation is one where LATER ON she can and will (in my opinion) start to suffer from Guilt, unclean conscience, etc and at that point the Elders will become apart of your marriage and there AIN'T A THING YOU CAN DO- My ADVICE IS THE FOLLOWING- if you want to test her out-- try this and this is an eye opener If you have had sex with this women SINCE she has gotten baptized do the following tell here you have been doing some deep thinking and even praying to Jehovah and you want to have a clear conscience going into marriage and this sex thing has been nawing at you let her know that you feel the TWO OF YOU NEED TO talk to a pastor about it ask her which one, YOURS OR MINE, if she says yours tell her, you would perfer not, since you are not that close to your pastor, but SINCE she is closer to hers you all should speak to her pastor about the sex before marrigae, tell her you need to come clean on this issue i have had 7 person in the last 3 yrs do this and what they were able to see is just how the INNER WORKINGS OF JW REALLY IS it will open your eyes my man