What Ways Did You Rebel Against The Elders & The "Truth"?

by minimus 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • sunshineToo
    leaving mid-meeting for no reason because I was bored.

    Oh, I did that SOOOO many times towards the end. In fact, in the last few months of attending meetings, I don't think I ever stayed for an entire meeting, when I actually went. I was bored out of my skull.

    I wished for so many times doing that, but I didn't have enough courage at that time. But sometimes I suddenly developed a headache or got so tired, and I could tell that excuses.

  • sunshineToo

    One time (on a Thanksgiving weekend) a brother was preaching to his bible study how bad it is to celerbrate Thanksgiving Day. I was there just listening in the beginning, but when I had a chance, I looked at his bible study ( by the way this poor man wanted Thanksgiving Day ) and asked, "So have you had a turkey yet? It's on sale at the store. I had one on Thursday."

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Rebel??? I think I don't belong in this thread. I was the ultimtely submissive wife/sister in the cong. Went along with all the crap they threw my way

    and then I left

  • minimus

    Sunshine-----That was a GOOD one! Some that have left but are still considered inactive have decided to put flags or Christmas trees out. Perhaps, they are thumbing their nose, huh?

  • undercover

    The stories about conduct at/after the conventions reminded me of our conventions when I was in my late teens/early twenties.

    Even though the convention was in our city, several of us would rent rooms(on the apporved list of course)and stay at the hotels and party after the session. It started out with just a few of us. Each year, though, it got out how much fun we were having and more and more young people were renting rooms. I remember packing 8 people in a room for four. I remember underage drinking at the bar and then in the room. That's where I learned to play "quarters". Skinny dipping in the pool. Complaints about the noise. Rumors about who hooked up with who. After several years though, I saw that it was getting out of hand. Not that I was concerned about righteous standards or christian conduct. I just knew the lid would blow off and people would get in trouble and others would squeel on the rest. So one year I opted to not go. Good thing too. Hotel security busted up an underage drinking party. Parents were called in. Elders were called in. Judicial meetings out the wazoo. People squeeled on other people. All kinds of shit had been going down that I didn't know about. Sex, drugs and rocknroll. About as close as a JW youth would have to living the rock n roll lifestyle I guess. A bunch of reproofs and a couple of DFs. I got caught up in it because I had gone every year before that one. I was interrogated intensely. I waited till they gave me a chance to talk and blew smoke up their ass. I told them that I knew that only trouble would come of it, and that my consciense guided me to not stay at these hotels anymore. heh heh. They bought it.

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