The Society has given up on "holiday witnessing"

by dothemath 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Blueblades

    Brother take the lead,I'll be going on return visits with sister return visit book,we plan to be brief and leave the Jesus' books.As soon as we disappeared from sight we could smell the coffee and left some tracts and old mags. at the shop.We did make one official call on an easy going loner and left the books.A fast hour then back home.

  • minimus

    Dothemath, Are you sure that the KMs haven't had holiday witnessing tips for a few years? I thought they did, even last year.

  • blondie

    Actually, I searched in the November and December 2001 KMs and found no mention of holiday/Xmas witnessing. I found that strange.


  • minimus

    Blondie, not even on the meeting schedule to give suggestions for presentations?

  • blondie

    Nope, not even that. I used the CD and got out my hard copy, min.


    Indirectly, maybe, here, but this is not the purpose of the part.

    km 11/01 p. 2 Service Meeting Schedule Week Starting December 3


    min: Features of the Reasoning Book. Audience discussion. Consider the following examples of how various features in the book are very useful in explaining Bible teachings: Definitions, such as for "Kingdom" (pages 225-6) or "spirit" (page 380); comparative renderings from a variety of translations, showing where and how God?s name is used in the Bible (pages 191-3) or the truth about hell (pages 169-70); lists, detailing beliefs that set us apart from other religions (pages 199-201) or showing how a person can know which religion is right (pages 328-30); historical background, revealing the origin of Christmas (pages 176-8) or the neutrality of early Christians (pages 273-5); scientific evidence, supporting creation (pages 85-6) or showing the harmfulness of marijuana and tobacco use (pages 108-11). Encourage publishers to use this fine teaching aid whenever opportunities arise in the field ministry.
  • minimus

    Well, I'll be damned. In our congregation, there were ALWAYS plans for holiday witnessing. They even arranged that 2 servants would be out--an elder and a ms.

  • blondie

    My old congregation did too. They don't need the KM to tell them to arrange such an event. It is tradition.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Well I went and did my thing but we were sort of "lucky" LOL We had a huge area of Jewish homes in our area that we would save for all the holiday times. They seemed to resent us less than those who were trying to celebrate the holiday.

  • observador

    I remember when I was little and the publications were charged for, I would sell place a lot more magazines on the holidays. The idea is that people were more receptive. As I grew older I started gradually to realize what an idiot I was by being a good-time spoiler.

    Hopefully I got a little wiser

    Garybuss, when I read your posts I can't help start laughing. Thanks for the good laugh.


  • buffalosrfree

    Holiday witnessing was one of the things that started to open my eyes. No one hardly ever and I mean ever went out on xmas. Thanksgiving was another one too, In all the years I can only remeber one Thanksgiving wherewe had a good/bad turn out with most of the normal regulars out. One new years day my daughter and I placed 27 mags, and we were the only ones out in the whole congregation. I brought this up with the book study conductor who wasn't out, no elders were out, no ministerial servants, no pioneers. After all the talk about how good it is to go out on holidays, i realized it was idiots like me and mine who were the only ones out. We met that New years day at the hall, didn't go in because no one but us showed up

    The elders and po likes to flaunt there supposed fervor for field service, but really didn't do much at all. our treatment at that hall (spring valley, san diego,sweetwater, was the thing that really ripped my eyes open, i guess i should thank them.

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