A serious question about the angels that materialized pre-flood

by TweetieBird 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    "Our skills and behavior are finely attuned to our size. We could not be twice as tall as we are, for the kinetic energy of a fall would then be 16 to 32 times as great, and our sheer weight (increased eightfold) would be more than our legs could support. Human giants of eight to nine feet have either died young or been crippled early by failure of joints and bones. At half our size, we could not wield a club with sufficient force to hunt large animals (for kinetic energy would decrease 16 to 32-fold); we could not impart sufficient momentum to spears and arrows; we could not cut or split wood with primitive tools or mine minerals with picks and chisels. Since these all were essential activities in our historical development, we must conclude that the path of our evolution could only have been followed by a creature very close to our size. I do not argue that we inhabit the best of all possible worlds, only that our size has limited our activities and, to a great extent, shaped our evolution."
    - Stephen Jay Gould, "Sizing Up Human Intelligence," Physical Anthropology 96/97, pp.150-51


  • stillajwexelder

    Is sex with human females the ultimate in all the universe


  • AlanB
    You can meet the Ainu today. They are a distinct racial group in Japan. They are far hairier than the Japanese, and a bit taller. Yet three thousand year old propganda is taken as evidence of 'giants', with out a extant skeleton that would prove such a thing.

    Interesting point, one race encountering a new race may see them as almost mythically different. If I remember correctly the strange thing about the Ainu is that they are blue eyed and fair haired.

    The striking thing is with their language, they belong to the Language Isolates groupings, which means their language does not have any defined roots like for example Indo-European. The interesting thing is that other language isolate groups include, the Dradivians from India, Finno Uralic from the Ural mountains, the Basque from the Pyrranian areas and the Polenesians. There are similarities between Language isolate groups in the manner in which they sequence Vowels and Consonants.

    One theory could be that they were other pockets of people who survived the flood, living in mountainous areas or having sea faring abilities. These groups not living in the fertile crescent expanded slower than the Noah families and remained isolated until contacted by the rest of the human family.

    I still maintain there is a lot we do not know about or history, traces, hints even can be found in all the ancient books and appear to tell a similar story. All we need to do is objectively examine these roots as historical documents in the context of thir being handed down by word of mouth and from the perspective of the people who preserved such takes and perhaps we can start to get the shape of the puzzle.


  • Satanus


    I can tell you that if I personally saw any of these alledged remains, it would change how I perceive our entire existence. In fact, I believe it would change everyone's view That could be enough to keep them buried in locked boxes somewhere in a dark basement of the Smithsonian.

    It wouldn't change much for me. It would only show that a tall race preexisted the amerinds, or existed along side them, or were another tribe of amerinds. There have been many groups moving or wandering to north america during the last 10,000 yrs or more.

    One of the reasons given in the article on the bones of the tall race, and why they may have been excluded, had to do w how it would affect relations w the native americans. 'Course, while i don't rule out the existence of these tall people bones, i'm not a believer, either. Either way, it's not that important.


  • imallgrowedup

    SS -

    I can respect that it wouldn't be of much consequence to you. But I think it would be for others, specifically theocracies. Again - I do NOT believe in conspiracy theories - however, I can believe why the magnitude of a find like this could be a good enough reason to keep it from the general public.


  • imallgrowedup

    Tweety -

    Here is another theory floating around regarding the origins of these angelic beings:


    Kind of wacky, but it makes for interesting reading.


  • heathen

    Imallgrowedup--- That is a pretty strange site . I think satan admitted he was living on planet earth in job and so I don't think he was residing on other planets . It seems earth became his headquarters although he could still harrass the angels with his visits to heaven as we see in revelation when he is finally removed from heaven and imprisoned on earth .

    I am still very interested in the giant skeletons they found .

  • imallgrowedup


    I am still very interested in the giant skeletons they found .

    Me, too! I wish there was a way to get into the basement of the Smithsonian to see if they are really there. *sigh*


  • Abaddon


    One theory could be that they were other pockets of people who survived the flood, living in mountainous areas or having sea faring abilities. These groups not living in the fertile crescent expanded slower than the Noah families and remained isolated until contacted by the rest of the human family.

    Er... that theory would be wrong. There were trees growing before during and any 'Flood' in the time period given in Bible. If the Biblical Flood IS a historical occurance, it wasn't worldwide. There is so much evidence to support this assertion and NONE to back up a glovbal flood to refuse to accept it is unreasonbale.

    The tree evidence is based on counting tree rings, not some highly technical scientific method. Check up on dendrochronology.

    And re. Giants; (great quote from Stephen J Gould by the way!)

    That's raised a very good point; you know the film 'Them' with the giant ants caused by radiation?

    Couldn't happen; ants would have to evolve a completely different respiration system to grow that big, as the standard insect one simply wouldn't work beyond a certain size.

    It's like dragons; lovely idea, but any lizard that big couldn't fly without the parallel develpment of a super-charged respiration system... let alone the breathing fire bit.

    Someone quotes a reputable scientist pointing out correctly the human body only works in a certain size range; any significant excursion beyond this would reuire extreme skeletal modifications to work. As the reports of finding enormous human boines always describe them as essentailly bigger versions of normal bones, they can essentially be regarded as self-falsifying, as they are describing what a layman would expect to find if he found giant human bones... not what a scientist would describe if he was describing the bones of a giant race of hominids.

    Despite this reasonable argument, we still have people hoping to see the 'giant skeletons' in the baement. Well, when you see them be sure to get me some dragoin teeth; apparently they turn into skeletal worriors if you throw them on the ground...

    Ladies and gentlemen, this is an announcement; just because you want it, doesn't make it real... please download the current version of reality and restart your system.

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