People Around the World Love our Ideals....

by SixofNine 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    ........they love what we stand for.... they just want us to act in accordance with our ideals. That means to respect others, that means to intervene only reluctantly...... multi laterally if we at all can. It means to be slow to anger, to use international law and international organizations where possible. We have to live up to our ideals.

    American Son, the video:

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    hmmmm .... words are cheap ... sounds like every other politican. He's such a flip-flopper - personally I think he's a phoney. I've heard from people who use to serve with him that he was not very well liked as a leader.... who knows, we'll see. His candidacy will certainly make the election process interesting.

  • SixofNine

    Actually, no; he doesn't sound like every other politician at all (which stands to reason, so far, he isn't one and has never been one), he doesn't "flip flop", he's the real deal (the polar opposite of "phoney" in every way imaginable), and he is absolutely loved by a great many of those who served closely with him.

    And the really cool thing is, the preceding isn't "just my opinion", it's documented fact.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    And the really cool thing is, the preceding isn't "just my opinion", it's documented fact.

    interesting... so are my comments -"documented facts". Go to Google, type in: Wesley Clark flip flop

  • SixofNine

    "......For example, take the idea of competition in schools. OK now, what is competition in schools? What does it really mean? Well, competition in business means you have somebody who's in a business that has a profit motive in it. It's measured every quarter. If the business doesn't keep up, the business is going to lose revenue, therefore it has an incentive to restructure, reorganize, re-plan, re-compete and stay in business.

    Schools aren't businesses. Schools are institutions of public service. Their job--their product--is not measured in terms of revenues gained. It's measured in terms of young lives whose potential can be realized. And you don't measure that either in terms of popularity of the school, or in terms of the standardized test scores in the school. You measure it child-by-child, in the interaction of the child with the teacher, the parent with the teacher, and the child in a larger environment later on in life."

    Wes Clark speaking informally on education.

  • lauralisa

    double edge,

    Just for fun, I typed "George W Bush flip flop" into Google.

    Ten pages.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    double edge,

    Just for fun, I typed "George W Bush flip flop" into Google.

    Ten pages.

    Ok.... and George Bush has been a politician how long? Wes Clark has been one since September and he hit the ground running with flip-flops....Wes had over 23 pages (I stopped counting at 23).

    Like I first said, who ever said those words "words are cheap ... sounds like every other politican."

  • heathen

    I tell ya what they stand for , money , power and greed .

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    I tell ya what they stand for , money , power and greed .

    Well, I can't disagree with that..... whatever 'other' reason would someone want to be a politician for nowdays... it's a thankless job (unless you count the political 'pork') and one in which your personal life is constantly under a microscope.... who needs it (unless you want money, power and are greedy).

  • lauralisa


    Just for fun, I typed in 'double edge flip flop" and it showed 19,400 results.

    GWB 'revisited' got a total of 8,940 results; Wesley Clark 3,590.

    btw I agree with you and Heathen re the remarks in your last post.

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