CZAR good analagy. I will remeber this one. Also a very heartfelt letter from this eler I feel his painful conflict. .
One More Elder who is starting to Question the WT
by sis in distress 53 Replies latest jw experiences
This "letter" does not have the ring of truth to it......By the way, where's Lainey been, sis ?
When I went to the United Nations website to see the listing of all it?s NGO?s the Society was listed right along with dozens and dozens of other religions it isn't and hasn't been for sometime.
and the noose gets tighter and tighter
I'd like to think the letter is on the up and up, but a couple of things already mentioned made me wonder.
Others now have questioned if sis-in-distress is real or not. In a previous post she says she is married to JT. JT's posts and her posts have the same IP address. Maybe she is for real, if JT can give us some insight on this, if JT is for real. JT?
It is naive to think it will remain confidential. as was said, any Elder knows that this is not how it works. They may get a response like that given to others early on. They will claim they were duped by the UN. And that they changed the requirements and obligations after they applied. As soon as they were aware of the 'NEW' guidlines they left without delay. Of course this is not the truth but it worked for thousands (including a friend of mine) of JWs with questions, and only resulted in greater distrust of the UN.
edited to not sound like a dick
I re-read my post and I think I came off a little on the harsh side.
It's possible that JT and sis gave this elder friend some older information regarding the UN/NGO thing. It's also possible that someone is pulling our chain. I don't know. I want to believe that the letter is for real and that JT and sis are for real.
I don't want to be on a lynch mob and accuse someone of trying to pull a fast one, but after recent events I think some of us are a little more skeptical of certain things. I think we need to remain calm and wait for an explanation from either sis or JT.
Why do I have the feeling that this Brother will be DF (or DA) before he gets straight answers?
I believe this letter is for real.. at least until given a GOOD reason to believe it isn't. I know because of a recent incident on the board (which has not yet fully been proven as to what really happened yet) that some are skeptical of who is real or not. but please, let's give people a chance here before you go and make a fool of yourself or someone else with accusations.
JT has been around a long while and has talked about his Lady C. We have been trying to connect with both of them on the phone but my life has been totally chaotic so I have postponed the call until my life quiets down. If 'sis in distress' says she is JT's wife/Lady C, I think since he is already a proven poster here, then we should give the benefit of the doubt rather then just jump to any conclusions before we know what we are talking about.
I used to be on a JW board as admin where every other minute the owner was questioning a poster (behind in private NOT on the board) as being an apostate trying to play games and she accused so many people of being apostate when I think MOST of them were not true.. I do not miss that at all... Now suddenly here on this board a person puts just a couple posts in and publicly people are questioning their authenticity. I'm going to point out this thread to JT since obviously he would know if this woman is his wife and if she is, you all (who questioned) owe her an apology.
sis in distress
I was under the impression that the Watchtower was no longer associated with the UN. I think I read that they were not conforming with the rules set forward by the UN were not met. Therefore they were kicked out. Correct me if I'm wrong please.