Wow, he went from slaving for one billion dollar corporation, to slaving for another. At least with Walmart, he MIGHT get benefits.
What a joke. Being a CO is the epitome of being on the "top" spiritually, in JW land. He was practically worshiped by the sheep. His every word was hung onto, and pondered, and dissected as coming from Jah.
99% of COs are haughty, judgemental creeps. They get off on the "power" they have. Even the Elders step all over each other to kiss their asses. Don't get me wrong, over the years there definitely were a few "gems" of human beings that were COs. They REALLY did care, and were decent people, but unfortunately, they were not the norm.
For someone to be a CO, they were "IT". They were the top of the JW food chain. The fact that they need to be working at a Walmart during the twilight of their lives, means they have been truly tossed aside by the BORG.
Where is Jahs blessing? Where is Jah taking care of his own? Nope, its just more proof that the WBTS has lost its way. There is NO spirit there. There is NO blessings from Jah. When COs are tossed aside like yesterdays news, its another nail in the coffin of the WTBS's grave.