There is always the possibility that this elderly JW is working because he wants to get out of the house and stay active!...But I doubt it.
I’ll never forget as long as I live how negatively I was viewed by the JWs because of my full time job. I was ‘shunned’ and hardly invited anywhere..I was considered ‘unspiritual’. Whatever. Thankfully, I held onto my full time job and am now retired!
The JW religion made a monumental error knocking college and careers - but has the balls to be constantly asking for money! Nobody is coming up to me with an envelope asking for contributions for the various needy people there. No way....Some JWs never wanted to work and are lifelong deadbeats. Others are people with serious issues who were brought into the religion to fill the empty seats in the halls.
I’m sure this is happening in Kingdom Halls all over the place. Brothers are probably trolling around looking for likely persons to ask... Anybody who gives will be targeted over and over like an ATM machine..This is a total turnoff and I think they are going to lose more people because of it. It’s just as well I ‘faded’ from the religion because I couldn’t tolerate being around this.