Most least now days.
by SixofNine 68 Replies latest jw friends
Most least now days.
*LOL* I was gonna say cuz their busy wrecking small planes in Alaska as I thought this thread was about dubbies...
I was also going to add that the December issue of The Atlantic Monthly has a story about John Kerry when he was serving in Vietnam. For those of you interested in the topic.
District Overbeer
for sixy:
Good point, Kerry wasn't exactly a poor kid was he? The myths about the "rich" getting out of the war and minorities bearing the brunt need to be dismissed.
< (not being sarcastic, it must be rough having Germany as a next door neighbor),
I have no problem with Germans. All those I've met were just NICE , never went in there country so I can't tell that much ... but one of my sister did she just like them I don't know why especially
< I must point out that what we are talking about is Vietnam. That's the original point of this thread - and while Vietnam was originally a French colony beset by the Communist revolutions - the draft to fight it was in America. Plus, the title of the thread is directly opposed to anyone who has an XY chromosome delivered via the Caucasian mountains that also has green paper and yellow metal.
Yes, I know CZAR you are talking about the details, and I'm talking about bases.
< As a white man who thinks it might be nice to be rich someday, I must state that a certain bias is present in the title. As though rich white men were inherently extra corrupt - inherently the bad guys no matter what. Although the thread has already debunked the idea that others fought Vietnam for us, instead of alongside us, there is a certain hatred of successful white men that goes beyond rationality and the facts. Certain people just like to blame us for everything that white people from other countries did three hundred years ago right up until the present.
I'm not talking about Americans citizens or gov especially ... I'm talking about the manipulators ... (wherever they are)
< What I am talking about is the American white male. Yes, our ancestors did some horrible things. Yes, we sit atop a mountain of wealth. No, equality is still a fair distance away. But to paint all of us as being draft-dodging, callous, oil grubbing bastards is just as racist and sexist as anything I've ever heard of.
Again I'm talking about the manipulators ... are you a manipulator ? I hope NOT
today you feel safe ... what about tomorow ? you know things can change very quickly ...
< Not that sexism or racist humor bother me particularly, I just think that liberal conventions of what constitutes unacceptable beliefs and behavior are being used against a certain party for political purposes. which is an acceptable political tactic, but that's all it is, a tactic - not a standard of truth.
Sorry not to me, we are talking about billions of people lifes ... I just think that (question of influence) if people really did care about LIFE and NOT POLITICAL PURPOSE the world would be way BETTER than THAT !
Just Imagine every meeting to get to peace, if every representative of every country stands your way, Saying : we have the right to use any tactic to F*you ... REALISED that we are fare from peace ...
You feel good staying in a logic of war ?
THEY USE FEAR (THE MAGIC SYSTEM) to make you think you've got the right to think that way (remember WTBS ?) we take profite of the systeme ... so what the hell LETS KILL ! I really don't know what you mean "unacceptable beliefs and behavior" and about "being used against a certain party for political purposes" WELL WHICH PURPOSES ? ... I'm AGAIN BACK ON THE BASES !!!
Don't tell me about details here (they doesn't change the bases which is the real problem)
One of the things you seem to be ignoring is that there is real evil in the world that must be oppossed.
""About 5% of the casualties in Vietnam were hispanic. About 12.5% were black, making both minorities slightly under-represented in relation to their proportion of draft age males in the national population. A 1992 study conducted by MIT looked at the Socio economic standing of the 58,000 who died in vietnam...of that 30% came from the lower 1/3 of the economic rung, however 26% came from the TOP 1/3 of the economic ladder...(of course leaving the middle class bearing the brunt with 44% of the deaths. This study also showed that three affluent communities in particular had a casualty rate in Veitnam well ABOVE the national average...those communities are Belmont, MASS...Chevy Chase, Maryland, and Great Neck, NY.""
Thanks for this info.....hit the nail on the head!!!!
Al Sharpton tried to start the same misinformation about the Iraq war....Numbers proved him wrong....
Did you hear that Dodge coming out with a new car to commemorate the Clinton Presidency? It?s called the "Dodge Drafter".....assembly starts next year in Canada!!
about real evil ... I KNOW ! geeezzzzzzzz
Why do I bother ... you feel good YERU ? ... good for you ... you want IT THAT WAY ? ... TOO BAD FOR THE WORLD (US citizens includes) ... what can I say ... (I'm not supposed to change or mind or that would mean they did a bad job and they have way more training than the WTBS you know ? I'm not even able to change my own families mind about the BORG !!! )
PLEASE TELL ME SOMETHING THAT I DON'T KNOW ABOUT WHAT OUR GOV ARE DOING SINCE A LONG TIME ... You feel Like you don't care about that Hum ? (Not your problem for now) ... GOD BLESS AMERICA ! AMERICA and A BUNCH of country are leaving on poors people death ... If that doesn't make you shade a tear, does that at least CALL YOUR HEART ... It's ONLY ABOUT YOUR PEOPLE ... You are not even really fighting for THEM !!! You are Fighting for a bunch of bastards who have truly NO NATIONALITY and WHO DON'T CARE ABOUT US ... who need to stay in a logic of WAR for their own sake
Poor rich guy (really) he had the choice instead of going he should have fighting against (some get traped - I'm not gonna cry more for him than a other).
INSTEAD OF GOING - YOU SHOULD HAVE ASKING FOR REAL PROOFS (why that mascarade ! it's pitifull)
- SO YOU BELIEVE OR YOU KNEW ? (that makes a big difference)
- YOU KNEW ? SO now ... if somebody got "IT" (WoMD) my question is YOU OR THEY SPREAD THEIR SHIT WORLDWIDE OR NOT ? Are WE MORE IN DANGER OR NOT ? (Terrorism)
I'm tired with that ! I don't even ask for an answer ...
Ahhh the French..we should have let Germany keep them.