Check Google : LAFAYETTE !
Time to pay back don't you think ? ... So how much does the Statut of liberty bring to your country every year ? ... but lets talk about more : how much about the funds of pensions ? ... How much about the rebuilding programme ... etc ...
I haven't forgotten, honey. You know I haven't. I've written before about Lafayette and why he is an American hero, and any time the Frenchbashing starts, all I have to say is Lafayette and the room falls silent. There is, just in my area, Fayette County, North and South Fayette Townships, and Fayette boro - all separate and distinct areas named after LaFayette.
You know why we respect him? Because when we were fighting the British for independence, in a WAR that was led by RICH and POWERFUL WHITE men, but on issues that rallied the country, Lafayette put his life on the line and took a grave risk to his own well-being. why? Because of the ideal of freedom! Because we were in trouble and he was in love with the idea of our independence and our right to get a better government for ourselves.
And we are paying that back. We can never pay it back completely, but we do our best by trying to spread the freedom that Lafayette bought for us around the globe.
Bush is fulfilling the Lafayette dream by helping the Iraqi people get rid of a tyrant. They are in the process of writing their own constitution (with our help, to speed the process along a little).
In fifty years, will they remember any of the names of the soldiers that gave their lives for Iraqi freedom? Will they even stop to think about President Bush and the risk he took waging a war there? No. But Iraq will (God willing) still be a free and modern democracy. That's why I supported the war nine months ago, that's why I support it now, and that's why I will pull the lever for Bush in 04. Because he did the right thing (perhaps for reasons of his own, but I think mostly for ennobling ones) and he deserves loyalty for that.
that's what the Statue of Liberty stands for. We haven't always lived up to her beauty, because we are merely men, and She is a Goddess, but in the end, we tried our best.