Big Tex: I used to be a bit quick tempered, some time ago, but no longer.
Somehow, somewhere along the line: I stopped.
It was something I 'gave up', for lack of a better term. How did I accomplish that?
Well, for starters, I did some self inventory, and sorted out what I needed versus not needed. This was done with harmful friendships, relationships etc., and I gradually backed off (weened myself) toxic situations: people/places/things.
When I severed ties with certain individuals, and I made more time for 'better' people versus these previously known pariahs, I noticed I became less angry, to the point that I rarely ever get upset.
I know first hand, that simply being in testy situations, it can really try your patience and good nature (thus I am no longer a moderator).
I know the triggers, so seeing them ahead of me, I steer around them, or avoid them completely.
I wish you well Big Tex. The bigger picture is, you're most kind hearted and most welcoming (as I've experienced with you and Cruzanheart here in my early days), so I don't think your anger/temper is your modus operandi by any long shot.
Good to notice it. I have to watch myself constantly, therefor I have to put my money where my mouth is.
Best wishes Big Tex: we think the world of you around here.