Anointed Class? What Anointed Class?

by never_a_jw 64 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AwakenedAndFree

    ((((((((Dear Ros))))))

    You quoted : 2 Corinthians 1 20 For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God. 21 Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, . . ."


    I use the NWT Bible and trust it completely. Here is what it says in 2 Corinthians chapter 1 verses 20

    and 22:

    2 CORINTHIANS:1:20:" For no matter how many the promises of God are, they have become Yes by means of him.Therefore also through him is the "Amen" [said] to God for glory through us."NWT

    2 CORINTHIANS:1:21" But he who guarantees that YOU and we belong to Christ and he who has anointed us is God."NWT

    I never considered myself of the heavenly anointed class when I was still in the organization. I sincerely believe that Jehovah God anoints us Christians now . I think that it would be presumputous on my part to say that I am of the anointed because it is Jehovah God who sanctions/anoints us - Jehovah God knows who who He has chosen to anoint - it is not for us to determine that. I used to tell people that I wasn't of the anointed. Now, if people ask me if I am anointed, I will tell them that I do not know. I believe that Jehovah God and Jesus Christ are the Ones who know for sure what we really are, and not ourselves :whether we have been anointed by Jehovah God, rests in Jehovah God's Hands.

    I believe that Christians are considered holy in Jehovah God's Eyes. As far as being of the anointed ones, like I said, it rests in God's Hands. And it Is God who determines who is deserving of anointing"

    1 PETER 1:15:"Because it is written:" YOU must be holy, because, I am holy."

    Christian Love,


  • LittleToe


    I use the NWT Bible and trust it completely.

    This has to be the most scarey comment I've ever heard by someone claiming to be a Christian!!!

    Please, I beg of you, get edumacated on this subject.

  • AwakenedAndFree

    ((((((Dear Little Toe)))))

    You said: "A&F:

    A&F said: "I use the NWT Bible and trust it completely."

    "This has to be the most scarey comment I've ever heard by someone claiming to be a Christian!!!"

    If it is scary to you, it's not to me: I didn't criticize you for placing a santa claus hat on your avatar when you claim to be a Christian ; and I cosidered yourself my Brother on my thread: Return To God And He WIll Forgive You In A Large Way") for what you said to me. Why are you judging me on the outside and not on the inside only?

    The Holy Scriptures teaches us to judge from the inside and not from the outside.

    PROVERBS 19:25:" The ridiculer you should strike, that the inexperienced one may become shrewd: and there should be a reproving of the understanding one, that he may discern knowledge,"NWT

    Christian Love,


  • AGuest

    and may you have peace! May I comment? Thank you!

    1. NO Bible translation is completely trustworthy. Not one. ALL have been victims of the false stylus of the "secretaries"... the scribes/copyists who took it upon themselves to write "law"... rather than adhere to the spirit. That is why my Lord CONDEMNED them: "Woe, to you... SCRIBES... and Pharisees."

    2. The 144,000 is a literal number. It is the number set aside for the sons of Israel, 12,000 from each tribe, in fulfillment of JAH's promise to Abraham. However, the 144,000 is neither a "heavenly" class... nor are they the only ones "anointed" by Christ to be kings and priests in his kingdom. Initially, ALL of Israel was to fill that number... and the number was to be "as the grains of sand in the sea." Unfortunately, Israel, almost in whole... forsook that promise by repeatedly breaking the Covenant they were under to fulfill it... and finally, by denying and killing the One sent to release them from such Covenant. By means of their oath... their "sins" in putting my Lord to death... came to be upon their children: THEY made that agreement.

    Since Israel gave up such privilege, then, the privilege was subsequently offered to people of ALL nations, tribes, and tongues... so that AFTER seeing Israel FIRST, John THEN saw a great crowd "which NO man was able to number"... standing before the throne... in the temple of God... and rendering sacred service. Only priests can render such service in God's temple. That is why Revelation 5:9, 10 states that such kings and priests ARE taken from EVERY nation, tribe and tongue... including, but not limited to... Israel. This was the "sacred secret" that Paul (?) revealed in Chapter 11 of the letter to the Romans, that Israel would NOT "get it"... until the full number of the NATIONS had come in!

    Romans 11:25

    By means of Christ, then, God... JAH... has shown that He is NOT "partial"... that Israel no longer has His exclusive loyalty as a "husbandly owner", so that due to HER "adultery"... He has taken others in as a "wife". That "wife"... made up of people of ALL nations... is the become the "bride" of His Son and Christ. Such "bride"... is the "house" that Christ is "building"... for God to occupy... by spirit.

    Ephesians 2:19-21; Revelation 21:2

    ALL of them together... the 144,000 and "great crowd"... are those "chosen" by God through Christ... to become LIVING STONES... in His "temple"... the "house" which is being built by His Son... "Solomon." This Solomon, Christ... is the "cornerstone" of the "foundation" of the building. The apostles.... are the foundation. And we... are the "pillars" and "stones" that make up the walls of it. Once that "house" is complete... God will occupy it with the fullness of His spirit... HOLY SPIRIT... so that He will become all things to all.

    1 Corinthians 3:16; Ephesians 2:20; 1 Peter 2:5; Revelation 3:12; Romans 8:9, 10; John 14:23

    Because 3., the "shekanah light"... that solidly led the Israelites through the wilderness and was fragmented at Pentecost 30 CE so as to be in the individuals... will again become solid... on the ONE Christ... made up of the ONE spirit... manifested in my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH as the "Head"... and we, as the "Body". ONE being... that is ONE body... by means of ONE spirit. As a result of ONE... hope.

    Exodus 40:38; Matthew 23:38; Acts 2:3; Ephesians 4-6

    And 4., that one "hope"... is heavenly AND earthly: it is the HOPE... of dwelling in the City of NEW Jerusalem... which City will come down OUT of heaven... TO the earth... and reestablish what Adam LOST... GOD's "will"... as in heaven... ALSO upon the earth!

    By means of this, then, the meek... those who are called to live in such City by means of an anointing with holy spirit... ALONG with those whom they "rule over"... those who are granted entrance by means of their loving kindness TOWARD such ones... SHALL inherit... the earth. The things in the heavens... and the things on earth... will be brought TOGETHER... once again. And we shall reside forever UPON the earth... in the "paradise" that is the spiritual City of God, NEW Jerusalem.

    In this way, man... is not with God so as to reside in the heavens.. but God... is with MAN... so as to reside IN man... on earth.

    Revelation 20:9; 21:2, 3, 23-27; Matthew 25:34-40; Isaiah 45:18; Psalm 37:11; Revelation 2:7

    So, that 5., the earth will indeed be inhabited, but NOT by flesh and blood as we know it. Such is unclean, the "befouled" garment that is enslaved to sin and death. This garment will be PUT OFF... and a WHITE ROBE... a SPIRIT body... one that is clean and without blemish... will be given to all who are granted to enter... such white robe... or spirit body... having been WASHED... cleansed... in the blood of the Lamb. Ones will either be resurrected to such spirit body... or changed to it. But flesh... with its blood... cannot inherit the kingdom... for such is unclean; it holds in it death... and death... is to be no more.

    Zechariah 3:3, 4; Revelation 6:11; Revelation 7:14; 1 Corinthians 15:50-57

    A new heavens... cleansed of ALL evil spirits... and a new earth... cleansed of all evil flesh... will be brought about. But the earth itself, too, will be changed: for that which exists upon it NOW... ages... and dies. It holds IN it... decay and death. Such things will be done away with so that what will remain... will stand forever. And it cannot DO that... and be of this physical world. For that which is physical... is passing away... and that which is SPIRITUAL... will remain.

    May you hear... and get the sense of it. For the Spirit... AND the Bride... KEEP saying, "Come! All you who are thirsting! Come! All you who are loaded down and toiling! Come! All you who are wishing and hearing! Drink from the cistern that is life-giving... from the "vessel" that is Christ! Take HIS blood into you... HIS spirit (for the life... the spirit... is IN THE BLOOD!)... and LIVE! Ask for and RECEIVE his spirit... so that it may bubble up in YOU... to impart everlasting life!


    John 7:38, 39; John 4:14; John 6:51, 53; John 15:5, 6; John 6:56; Revelation 22:17

    May the undeserved kindness and mercy of my God and Father, the Most Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH of Armies, come to be upon you... and your household... by means of His 'chosen vessel', my Lord and Master, His Son and Christ, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, if you so wish it. May his peace be upon you!

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • AwakenedAndFree

    AGuest said:

    "1. NO Bible translation is completely trustworthy. Not one."

    Here is what the Scriptures say:

    2 TIMOTHY 3:16:" All Scripture is inspired from God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness,"NWT

    2 TIMOTHY 3:17:" that the man of God may be fully competent, completely equipped for every good work."NWT

    TITUS 1:16:" They publicly declare they know God, but they disown him by their works, because they are detestable and disobedient and not approved for good work of any sort."NWT

    TITUS 2:1:" You, however, keep on speaking what things are fitting for healthful teaching."NWT

    Christian Love,


  • AGuest

    Again, may you have peace... and may you know that the following is true:

    1. All scripture is indeed inspired...

    2. The Bible is not scriputre...

    3. You do not know what scripture truly is; and thus,

    2. You do not comprehend why it was that my Lord CONDEMNED the scribes, who were charged with copying ACCURATELY... the scriptures.

    I say to you, the Greek Septuagint... the oldest known version of the Hebrew writings, was in "print" when my Lord walked the earth. I ask you: why did he not refer to it, but rather still condemned the scribes?

    I bid you: do YOUR research. Or, better yet... let the Truth set YOU free... so that you will truly BE free. Yet, if you will it... continue bound. Whatsoever YOU wish.

    John 8:32, 36; John 14:6

    Again, peace to you...

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • LittleToe

    I'd love for you to start considering how you might apply the scriptures (you throw around) to yourself, before you cite them.

    Shel:1. Agreed, they are all flawed.
    2. I still hold that the number is as the sands of the sea.

    On that last point, I was updated to that position, and haven't been subsequently further informed. On what grounds do you think that the numbers should have suddenly been so limited?

    Regarding your last post on this thread - I concur

  • AGuest

    the greatest of love and peace to you, dear one!!!

    You are correct: the number of "Israel" WILL be as the sands of the sea. This is because "Israel" (which is not Israel on the OUTSIDE, but on the INSIDE) is made up of 144,000 taken from among the sons of Israel (who ARE such on the outside as WELL as the inside)... and a great crowd which NO man was/is able to number... from EVERY nation, tribe, tongue and people.

    TOGETHER, these... the "little flock" of those from the 2-tribe kingdom of Judah, along with "other sheep" from the 10-tribe kingdom of Israel AND the great crowd from EVERY nation, tribe, tongue and people... INCLUDING those of Israel not in the first group... will become a "holy nation"... "a people for special possession"... the kings and priests of the Bride of Christ... who rule with him for 1,000 years.

    It was initially promised solely to Israel, by means of God's promise to Abraham; however, Israel rebelled against the very covenant that made this choosing possible... the covenant that was to teach them HOW to be a "royal nation"... lacked faith... and ultimately rejected the very King who was to bestow upon and share such privilege with them.

    Israel's temporary loss, then, means salvation... for the NATIONS... and thus, the dulling of Israel's senses has occurred and will continue... until the FULL number... of the NATIONS... whatever that number may be and only God and Christ know... comes in.

    Romans 11:13-25

    That is why my Lord sent his apostles to be witnesses of him "in all Judea and Samaria" only... for he told them NOT to leave Jerusalem.... and instead, sent Paul to be an apostle... "to the nations."

    The 11th Chapter of Romans might help you see how this was planned, dear LT, and how, ultimately, the number WILL be "as the sands of the sea." Israel, made up those who are Israel by SPIRIT, not flesh... will be as the sands of the sea.

    Again, the greatest of love and peace to you!!

    Your servant and fellow slave of Christ,


  • Earnest
    Russell was a Jew--though I doubt he's in Heaven. - JCanon, 22-Dec-03 16:20

    First I've heard of this. Do you have any source to support this idea ? His parents were Presbyterians of Scottish-Irish descent so, unless you're a British Israelite (who believe Britain is the geographical home of the lost tribes of Israel), I think you must be mistaken.


  • AwakenedAndFree

    Dear AGuest ,

    AAF says: Thank you for your reply.

    You said "Again, may you have peace"

    Thank you.

    "... and may you know that the following is true:

    1. All scripture is indeed inspired..."

    I agree.

    :2. The Bible is not scriputre..."

    If the Bible is not Scripture, what is Scripture? I disagree with you. The Bible contains the sacred writings of Jehovah God's Inspired Word.

    3. You do not know what scripture truly is; and thus,

    I do because I accept the whole Bible - everything contained in the Bible I consider Holy Scripture. And I don't question the Bible like you do.

    Did you read the Scriptures that I quoted you on my previous post here on this thread, AGuest?

    Please don't ignore the Holy Writtings in the entire Bible! If you do, you are not a True Christian. To be a True Christian you have to accept the whole Bible as being the Sacred Inspired Word of God. Obviously, you don't want to accept the Holy Bible as being the Inspired Word Of God. I don't believe in anything you say : even as holy as you may sound. Satan works as an angel of light,too.

    2 PETER 1:20:" For YOU know this first, that no prophecy of Scripture springs from any private interpretation."NWT

    2 PETER 1:21:" For prophecy was at no time brought by man's will but men spoke from God as they were borne along by holy spirit."NWT

    A true Witness of Jehovah God accepts the Bible in its entirety! You don't.


    Christian Love,


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