Are You Gullible?

by minimus 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Have you ever wondered whether we are too easy to believe what people say they are? It seems that sometimes we get posters that masquerade as down and out, searching, or very sincere----when, in fact, they are none of these things. I know we want to believe that people are not dishonest or callous----but----I wonder if we should be more aware than ever before that there are persons that will always try to play on our trust.

  • JH

    When you get to meet people in person, during apostofests, it gives a better idea who they really are and if they match their online profile.

    ...but usually I'll believe anything a poster will say until proven otherwise.

  • Xena

    Everyone puts their best foot forward...well most people anyways So sometimes you don't see the "warts" till later.

    I don't make friends with many people so being taken advantage of hasn't been a problem for me. I take most of the posters on here at face value and if I see something a bit "odd" I just sit back and watch things kinda like a soap on TV

    So am *I* gullible? No I don't think so....

  • Xandria

    A gully bull.. no. A gully calf maybe.. In all honesty, I try to give benefit of doubt. I listen... and read by B.S. meter from time to time.


  • Mulan

    Yes, it is one of my less desirable characteristics. Too often, I believe what I hear or read as fact, and only investigate when I realize I have possibly been fooled, yet again.

  • minimus

    Mulan, I'm going to report you to the elders.

  • Sassy

    I know I am gullible. I have had friends enjoy guiding me along with a well concocted story knowing I was believing every word and then laughing when they couldn't go on any more.. so yes.. I am gullible.. and yes, I has put me in a bad place in my life in many ways. I was a JW for most of my years of life. Why? because my mom told me it was the "only way" and so I believed blindly w/o questioning (until recently). I have made poor choices in men at times because I 'believed" they were who they said they were... I even dated a man who told he he was a JW (when I was one) and he wasn't...

    But the thing is, although I need to tune in my perceptions with more intelligence, on the same order, I'd like to still believe in people. I would rather give them the benefit of the doubt they are who they say they are and then once they fail to live up to their words, then judge them..

  • SheilaM

    I fell for the dubs didn't I TEE HEE Really no I try to invistigate now

  • stillajwexelder

    I used to be really gullible/naive -- I am much better than I was -- boards like these have helped and critical reading around a subject helps even more

  • czarofmischief

    I fell for my czarina... does that make me gullible?


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