by ARoarer 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Scholar,

    Many thanks for your quote:

    "The possibility that doxas refers to human authorities, ecclesiastical or civil, can be ruled out at once, for it can make no good sense of vs.11. We must take doxas as in Jude 8, to refer to angelic powers". Word Biblical Commentary, JUDE, 2 PETER, Richard J Bauckham, 1983, Vol. 50, pp. 260 - 262; 57 - 58."

    To be kept for further references.

    To Maximus:

    Thanks for the picture. By the style it reminds me of old Catholic
    Bibles, with illustrations or praying books with special illustrations!

    Agape to you all, J.C. MacHislopp

  • ARoarer

    Hi everyone, I am recycling this thread because I was wondering if the WT still teaches that the "glorious ones" are actually the congregation elders as it used to in previous publications.

  • ARoarer

    This thread seems appropriate to recycle again in view of the latest WT threat of using Korah in thier scare tactics to the R&F. Sounds like the GB releasing the new Video mentioned in AMNESIANs thread is thier latest fleece on the flock. I think the GB got tired of holding to original teachings of the biblical leaders of old and built themselves a big golden cow named Watchtower in Brooklyn.

  • chester

    Thanks for recyling this thread. I missed it before.

    to Maximus

    I miss you. Hope you are well.

  • Lieu

    JWs don't need Christ nor his angels. BTW, the holy spirit was fired by the JWs. As a matter of fact, with their words they deny Christ his glory and kingship. The angels aren't needed because the elders (glorious ones of JW lore) outrank them...Jesus has been replaced by the GB who are part of his mother, married to god but supposed to be the bride of the son and they bypass the son by saying god directly communicates with them.....confused yet?

    So what we have here is a soap opera of huge proportions. The GB claims to be mom but is supposed to be the son's fiancee but is higher than the son. The HS was terminated so that this sneakin around wouldn't be noticed for a while....and well some slutty behavior is afoot.

    Jah, GB, and the elders.

    Who says JWs dont believe in the trinity?

  • ARoarer

    Thanks Chester and Lieu, I hope this thread helps those who have been labeled by the Watchtower as apostates worthy of dying like Korah, to be able to see how this Organiztion spins a web of lies to protect itself in the eyes of it's members.

  • Lieu

    That Korah incident....

    Korah went against god's hands down rep. Moses had credentials to PROVE he was that mediator of old. Splitting seas, plagues, clouds floating over the tent whenever he went inside. I mean, who could dispute his appointment?

    Now, Christ is our hands down mediator. Christ had credentials to PROVE he was so. Voices from heaven, miracles, etc..After death, Paul heard from him, Stephen looked up and saw him, etc. There is no man or group of men equal. In fact, for the GB to say they are god's reps and no one can be approved without THEM means they deny the actual mediator and THEY are behaving just like Korah. Personally, I don't think JWs actually believe that Christ is the reigning King. Other than at Memorial time, who even knew he (Christ) existed?

    Remember when Jesus was riding into Jerusalem and the people cried out with praise and he said if they did not then the rocks would cry out? Truthfully, today, I'd rather listen to a rock than the GB. At least the rocks would have their story straight.

  • ARoarer

    I've said this before also Lieu. The Watcthower has made itself into a fat golden cow for everyone to bow to. They have no respect for Christlike teachings of love. They have abandoned the mediator and dance around thier own Watchtower god.

    The elders who believe they should be the glorious ones have brought in this false teaching and in doing so they themselves have spoken abusively of the angels.

  • Lieu

    So true, ARoarer, so true.

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