Well he [God] doesn't cause castrophies or miseries or sickness it is satan who causes such things.
That is a stange kind of reasoning! Not only does it make little sense, it also goes against the bible.
Is Satan behind plate tektonics? These movements are responsible for eathquakes. They are an intricate part of the earths make up since it ealiest beginnings, long before mankind appeared. So how does Satan feature in this?
Sickness is caused by bacteria, virusses, parasites and other organisms. If you believe the Bible, then God is the one that created all lifeforms. So how can you say Satan causes sickness? Does he have powers of creation? and if so why would God allow such? If Satan can create on his own why the need to tempt mankind? He could create his own followers!
On Jesus: History is largely silent on the matter (save some obscure passages). if you consider the Bible history, then why not the Koran, the Veda's, the Ylliad or any other simular writings?