Atheist ?

by gentlesoul 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • greven
    Well he [God] doesn't cause castrophies or miseries or sickness it is satan who causes such things.

    That is a stange kind of reasoning! Not only does it make little sense, it also goes against the bible.

    Is Satan behind plate tektonics? These movements are responsible for eathquakes. They are an intricate part of the earths make up since it ealiest beginnings, long before mankind appeared. So how does Satan feature in this?

    Sickness is caused by bacteria, virusses, parasites and other organisms. If you believe the Bible, then God is the one that created all lifeforms. So how can you say Satan causes sickness? Does he have powers of creation? and if so why would God allow such? If Satan can create on his own why the need to tempt mankind? He could create his own followers!

    On Jesus: History is largely silent on the matter (save some obscure passages). if you consider the Bible history, then why not the Koran, the Veda's, the Ylliad or any other simular writings?


  • gumby
    I feel there have been no communication because Jesus was the fulfillment of all things and the need of such things no longer are needed. The only thing left to do now is his return.

    If there is no communication........then how is it that billions of people on this planet are going to die because they have never heard of Jesus? Would god kill millions or billions, just because they were ignorant of his son? Take the Muslim population for instance. God does not have missionaries in the majority of these cultures...........yet he is going to kill them all when his son comes because they know nothing about him. Is that fair? If you say....Jesus will come and give them a chance, then you are going against scripture. When he comes..........he lifts up his church of true followers...........with no muslims or budhists floating up to meet him. Most parents communicate with their children.


  • Sargon
    Most parents communicate with their children

    It would seem to me Gumby, that when this god confused the languages at the tower of Babel; He also seriously garbeled his communication skills. How else can you explain a book as incomprehensible as the bible?

  • gumby
    It would seem to me Gumby, that when this god confused the languages at the tower of Babel; He also seriously garbeled his communication skills


    He garbled them way before that.

    He chose ONLY to speak and deal with the Jews according to the (jewish written) bible. All of his other kids were not spoken to, or specially blessed like the jews.Oh they got rain ,and sunshine, .....but that's it. Mostly they were terrorized by god and his real children....the jews.....who slaughtered gods kids with their own fathers backing. Now that's the kind of dad I wish I had eh?


  • Sargon

    What differentiated the Jews from the rest of the tribes roaming around in those days? The only clue the bible gives is that their founding father had faith in god. It doesn't matter that Abraham was a spineless coward that gave up his wife to Pharoahs harem in order to save his own sorry ass, all he needed was faith in a nameless unproven god. What a farce, Shakespeare couldn't have written it any better.

  • gumby

    I want to let Gentlesoul I appreciate this thread as it was a subject of deep concern to me only a couple of years ago. Many comments here may seem a bit sarcastic to a believer who feels the bible is accurate in its contents. Only if a person takes the time to see the opposing views, can a person appreciate the views contrary to his.

    For a believer to understasnd a non-believers point of view, is much the same as asking a witness to visit an apostate site to see what it has to say. I don't mean that in a smartass way.....but it is the truth in many cases.

    Again, thanks GS for the topic to discuss.


  • hooberus

    patio34 said:

    The brainstorm came when letting my grandson watch the Disney movie, Dinosaur. It just hit me that the violence (prey/predator cycle) in nature started way before Adam and Eve supposedly existed. So, what did any supposed original sin have to do with dinosaurs (and many other creatures down to bacteria and viruses)? Nothing. To me, that was the fatal flaw in the the whole theist argument: that no loving creator would deliberately create such violence and enormous and unimaginable suffering.

    What if the Dinosaurs originally lived with man, and the prey/predator cycle came into being after the fall of man?

  • patio34

    Hi Hooberus, you said:

    What if the Dinosaurs originally lived with man, and the prey/predator cycle came into being after the fall of man?What if the Dinosaurs originally lived with man, and the prey/predator cycle came into being after the fall of man?

    As far as I understand it, and it's well documented and accepted by scientists, etc., that dinosaurs existed millions of years before humans ever did. Even the Awake back in the 80s stated that human remains have never been found in the deeper stratas as dinosaurs.

    It was explained by an evolutionist (sorry, I don't have the reference nor inclination to find the info for you) that no mammals coexisted with dinosaurs except little nocturnal ones. The reason being dinosaurs were so perfectly suited to their environments and so tough & dominant in their time that very little escaped from them except other powerful dinosaurs. It was only when meteors or a similar disaster made them go extinct that mammals were able to evolve then.

    In other words, if there were still dinosaurs, there would never have been humans.


  • gumby

    and as soon as rem or abbadon , or narkisos, sees this thread......there gonna kick ol' hooberus's arse!


  • DanTheMan
    The reason for all the miseries on this earth is caused by Satan who is the ruler of this earth at this time, stated so in scripture, people ask or say why would God allow or cause such things to happen. Well he doesn't cause castrophies or miseries or sickness it is satan who causes such things. God is all about love and if we love him he loves us back, but Satan rather is all about hate.

    hmmmm....all the miseries? As has been previously asked, is Satan responsible for earthquakes? Does he rove about the earth, looking for his opportunity, then *BAM* hits us with a terrible forest fire, or hurricane, or does he put it into a dog's mind to attack and kill a child? Does Satan cause car accidents for fun? Did Satan in his endless diabolical evilness hatch a plan to give people lockjaw when they step on rusty nails and voi la he created the bacteria that causes tetanus? Did he create the AIDS virus? If Satan is so against God's righteous ways then why would he create something that primarily (although not exclusively) affects homosexuals and intravenous drug users?

    Why does Satan hate God and cause suffering for humans? Is he mentally ill? Christians will say that he is jealous of God and wants the worship that rightly belongs to God for himself. So why would he go about getting humans to worship him by doing terrible things to them?

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