Many of you who post here STILL don't understand how Watchtower publications and talks work!
They must always portray the organization as growing and invincible - all else must be hidden or explained away.
If they are proclaiming "full to overflowing Kingdom Halls" ( likely some awful third world country), it's just propaganda
designed to impress the many publishers who clearly witness local decline.
A recent Watchtower talked about how great Japan was and reported a "peak" in publishers. This is designed to cover up
the massive loss of Japanese congregations and publishers. ( Of course, they have some kind of a "peak" every year,
regardless of net losses)
This sort of misdirection works very well. I knew an elder who ran a successful business. I told him about the
OBVIOUS mass loss of Witness kids in every congregation he knew about. He replied talking about the smiling
faces of young kids studying in some distant third world nation, as shown in the Awake. The deception worked!
Here's another: Contributions aren't coming in like they used to - which they can't admit because it suggests that
Jehovah isn't behind them. So, they publish glorious pictures of new Halls and buildings with a "reminder" to fork over some bucks.
Did you hear about a talk about alcohol? Brothers are getting drunk. Did they say Jehovah's Witnesses are the "happiest
people" in the world? Depression is an epidemic in congregations. Is the organization run by a "faithful and discreet slave"?
They're coldhearted old coots who are being exposed for hiding child molesters.
It's SO EASY, friends!!
Just read the magazines ( and after the nausea passes) PRESUME THE OPPOSITE OF WHATEVER THEY ARE
PROCLAIMING! Most of the time, you'll be right!
metatron ( if attendance is so good, where are the contributions?)