For the believers

by gentlesoul 107 Replies latest jw friends

  • bisous

    gentle, sorry but I have to agree with amac and should reconsider your tone and approach.

    we are both 'newbies' here, although we are coming from different places (I too am an unbeliever)... and you should consider the audience, experiences and background of the participants on a site that have been greatly harmed by a religion and "believers" quoting scripture in the cloak of spirituality.

    most likely you didn't intend the tone you conveyed...written word especially in the form of email...can be easily misconstrued. but as more than one reader intepreted your post negatively, i submit the reaction is worthy of your consideration.

    i also agree with amac ... and many of us who, while we may no longer believe, are familiar with scripture and Christ... i further offer you may consider applying the golden rule when you come to this site and consider our experiences prior to authoring your next post.

  • GentlyFeral


    You say that we all deserve respect, well where was the respect when I used a scripture from something I believe in.

    I can't do better than quote you...

    Do you feel it is appropriate to hang in place as such when the scriptures teaches us "Not to cast pearls before swine?"

    and then drwtsn:

    Who you callin' a pig?

    Why should we extend respect to a person who begins a conversation with an insult?


  • hillary_step


    Do you feel it is appropriate to hang in place as such when the scriptures teaches us "Not to cast pearls before swine?

    Personally, I do not get much time to hang out here with the swine, especially while I am sharing my glorious day's with tax collectors, prostitutes, adulterers and the like, though I try to do my share. As you well know, looking down your nose at the rest of humanity is not an easy burden to bear, though I am sure that between inventing bacteria that eats humans alive and devising gory plans to kill most of the world, our God will give us the strength to survive the nasty little blighters who foul this discussion Board.

    Thank you for your important post and please do not let these fake Christian 'do gooders' who try to love without judgement put you off your stride.


  • AwakenedAndFree

    (((((( Dear Gentlesoul) ))))

    This thread you started, Gentlesoul, is aimed at believers as you stated :"For the believers"

    Being a believer myself, I'am obliged to reply.

    I am here because I want to please my Creator and not man. And that by my conduct here, I will be able to have some persons return to the True God. I am a sinner too, don't forget that ! I love my fellowmen as humans, and I do NOT love their sins!

    2 CORINTHIANS 2:14:" But thanks be to God who always leads us in a triumphal procession in company with Christ and makes the odor of the knowledge of him perceptible through us in every place."NWT

    Christian Love,


  • bisous

    uggghhhh ... sanctimonius horses*#t cloaked in syrupy christian love...and on Christmas Eve to boot.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex


    I don't see anywhere in AwakenedAndFree's post demanding you bow to her belief system. In point of fact, I do see where she specifically mentions "believers". If you do not subscribe to her belief system, that is one thing, but to ridicule her beliefs just because you don't agree with them is not only unnecessary but somwhat mean.

    If this thread is so repulsive to you, perhaps you would do better to read other threads.


  • Gretchen956

    Its okay bisous, us swine are a helluva lot more fun to hang out with anyway. 'An it harm non, do what you will.'


  • bisous

    big tex...perhaps so, but in reading several posts by gentlesoul today, the common tone is holier-than-thou and i guess i was just full up...awakened just iced the cake on the we're so christian and above it all.

    it all started with the swine comment, and bubbled on from there. from other replies to this post, i don't think i was alone in my reaction. did you read the whole thread? I did, and I guess the point is to post reactions, not just read the one's you like.

    No judgements on beliefs, just approach and tone. Mine was admittedly harsh with the horseXXXX comment, that much i'll apologize for, the rest stands in my mind as a legitimate reaction to the original and subsequent 'believer' posts....

    thank you Gretchen!

  • Mysterious

    It's not really Jesus you reject by being here, just the watchtower. Anywhere you go on the net you will find that people around you have different beliefs.

  • gentlesoul

    First of all this thread was for the believers I guess some do not comprehend what they read. I also noticed that the ones who took it so terribly that they seem to think that they can ridicule those who believe but oh don't say anything bad about what they believe. I think they call that self righteuosness.

    Big Tex, thanks for your reply and sticking up for my thread, I really appreciate it.

    Listen people I am having some trouble here within myself of staying here and I needed some support on this issue in order for me to stay, I did indeed get enough support to stay and I am very grateful for that. Some seem to think that I claim to be hollier than though and in fact I am just the opposite, I am a sinner just everyone else and far from perfection so please do not accuse me of that, that is just plain rude and self centered.

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