GentleSoul-----It's wonderful having you post here! I especially appreciate the way you can seperate the believers from the non-believers. Your kindness exudes on this board, and I,for one am quite thankful to have another believer (finally) here. You are being mistreated and misrepresented. Your Christian love is easy for all to see. You truly are a gentle soul, simply trying to help those in need of God's love. Let no one deter you from posting here. Your questions show your obvious concern and affection for those that post or lurk here. You are indeed, doing God's will and we can be confident that He will reward you in full for your lovely pererverance. I believe God may be using you to help the ungodly and the depressed souls. We need you here for comfort and care. Thank you for being the warm person that you are.
For the believers
by gentlesoul 107 Replies latest jw friends
Big Tex
Big Tex, thanks for your reply and sticking up for my thread, I really appreciate it.
With all due respect, I was not sticking up for anyone really. I was concerned that AwakenedAndFree got a bumpy response, but to be fair my post was unduly harsh and I hope bisous can overlook it. I was in a crabby mood last night.
I think how a person acts is far more important than what a person says.
Big Tex---You should just read my response, agree and then keep your crabby opinions to yourself.
I would like to respond, but the thread title leaves me out.
I do have to say your post did surprise me a bit and I figured you were just smoking some bad crack again. It's not your fault you were in a bad mood, it's the bad crack. Next time try some organic crack. Those damn preservatives really mess with a dude's mind.
It's a good thing you have a sweet wife who can smack you up side your head when you get a little pissy. Now tell us all the truth, it was Nina who made you come back to the board and say you might have made a boo boo wasn't it?
I still love ya pal, don't worry about Biscuits, she's a new chick on the board so nobody gives a rip.
Take care and merry happy Thursday to ya.
Look, another Christmas miracle. The sweater puppy twins have posted right next to each other again.
Min and Gumball, this board wouldn't be any fun if it wasn't for you two. Merry Thursday to the both of you. I hope the operation to sperate you two goes well and at least one of you is still left with a brain.
I love you two guys .....damn...this Christmas spirit thing is starting to effect that a tear or the damn roof leaking again?
As Tiny Tim once said " Give me another piece of fricken turkey before I shove my crutch up your butt".
Big ...sniff.....hug....sniff to ya Min and Gumball, I love you guys.
Your pal...sniff,
gumby damn drunken bastard! You couldn't even wait till noon before you started hitting the frickin bottle could ya? Oh....don't you worry about the death of jesus on this day. You just sauce yourself up and keep on makin an ass out of yourself and don't worry about nothin else ok?
Merry Christmas to you too ya bastard
It's nice to have the old dave back who was able to shake the brainwashing of craig out of your mind before it was too late!
As for minimus........If he were truelly attached to me......I'd cut off my pee pee and expire, and let him drag my poor dead ass around with him!
Merry Christmas again ya sick bastard!
Dave, Gumby and I are going to buy you a new sweater so that you can hang with us. From now on, it's the "sweater puppy triplets". And if they separated us, it wouldn't matter. Gumby doesn't have "it" anyway. Just don't tell him or else he might get hurt. I'll be sending you over some Puppy Chow for you and "your partner", Onacruse. Do ya like Tender Vittles?
Sweater puppy #1 It's noon somewhere in the world. Actually I don't drink during the week. It is by the order of Agnos. Us agnostics only drink on our lord's day off while he's out chasing the talking snake around the universe.
Puppy #2 Three boobs in a sweater? I don't think so. Ya know, there is the concept of too much of a good thing isn't necessarily a good thing. When they do separate you two guys I hope you get the brain that you two presently share. Gumball will always have his pee pee to do his thinking for him. It's only brief, intermittent kind of thinking but who are we to judge?
Big manly type two pats on the back kind'a guy hug to the both of ya.
To whom it concerns:
I in no way, thought, action, in my heart and soul attempted to crucify anyone here with my words. It was purely out of concern for my own salvation in which I keep my faith strong and true in that I wrote this post. My intent was not to hurt anyone or to slander anyone here with anything I said. My sincere appologies to all those who were hurt or disrupted by my writting. At the same time as I hurt others (unintentionally) some have choosen to return the hurt with your words and it was intended to do so, so I have to ask those it concerns does two wrongs make it a right ? Not in my book of ethics......
I am a Christian and one who dedicates his life to God and Christ, crucify me if you will but even death cannot make me stray for I fear not man nor death. I have a strong walk with the Lord and am not sorry if it bothers some of you..I never intended to consider or to judge anyone as "PIGS" I merely stated scripture. I also noticed that there were a few who posted here who have disowned Christian faith but yet seemed it fit to quote scripture, that in itself is hypocritical.
Minumus thanks for your support and it is nice to see others here still keeping the faith in the Lord and it gives me great pleasure and strength to continue here as a poster. May God keep you well brother....And to everyone have a very Merry Christmas and God Bless.