Well, all my non-smokers...(((viv,dan,frannie)))))..........GOOD FOR YOU ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I will tell ya this, I have tryed to quit soooo many times in the past....In fact, I even had a post not to long about me quiting smoking...I lasted 3 weeks, 2 days ,8 hours,32 mins and 15 secs....and when I broke down and had that ciggie, it was the BEST!!!!...But I felt like crap after I finished smoking it......Never quit quiting is my modo...In my opinion it is all about support...and make sure you have lots of it because you will and do need it....Thats what works for me..( after I got over my shakes..and not the ones from Mcdonalds)...You can take the patches,pills,needles and what ever else there is out there,but the bottem line is having that special one you can count on...There has been countless times I tryed to quit and I am still at the post with it..( been 1 weeks,14 hours,and 37 mins since I had a smoke)...I just figured people got sick and tired of hearing about me quiting and then falling off the wagon so I did not bother to tell anyone this time because I did not want to let anyone down again....The ones that are closest to me,are the ones that I depend on....The ones that live with you,are the ones that will know the HELL that you are going through and when I say HELL I mean HELL....So I know where your all coming from....My only advice for you is to take very long walks before you go to bed....Thats what works for me,along with some one to tell you it is going to be ok for the next hour....Take it by the hour at first,this will be the easyest.....Good luck to you all!!!!.
P.S..if you fall off, dont beat yourself over it......Just get right back up on horse agin.....Believe me, I have been riding this damn horse for a very long time and it keeps bucking me off, and I still get up on the damn thing again....